
Workflow for creating artificial GWAS data sets based on real data

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Workflow for creating artificial GWAS data sets based on real data

Several separate projects


This was our first version -- good thing is that it keeps structure very well but the resulting data is relatively identifiable and also we land up with smaller data sets than our original

This is C program that takes a source plink file, anonymises and does some randomisation. Here is an example.

   ./gensimul src   200 src.clt mutes  new  


  • src is the base name for the source PLINK files
  • 200 is the number of people you want in the new data set
  • src.clt is a cluster file (see below)
  • mutes is a list of mutations (see below)
  • new: the base name of the new PLINK files

Cluster file

The cluster file contains a list of clusters. Each cluster is on a line by itself with space separated integers. e.g.

1 15 39
2 7
4 8 124
20 11 5

There should be no overlap in clusters. In the current version, there should be a maximum of 3 members of each cluster. We hope/plan/sort of promise to generalise. The numbers are the 0-indexed entries in the FAM file.

The idea is that each cluster consists of closely related individuals. In our new data set we have a randomised amalgam from thse individuals. See below for how to create this.

Mutation file

The file consists of a list of mutations, each mutation on a line by itself, withree entries per line:

  • The 0-indexed entry in the BIM file of the mutation
  • The desired MAF of cases (between 0 and 1)
  • The desired MAF of controls

Creating a cluster file

The cluster file can be created in two steps.

Use PLINK to make a PLINK-style cluster file

plink --bfile data --cluster --ppc 0.01  --mc 3  --out data

Then call our auxiliary script to produce in the right format

python3 munge_cluster.py data data.clt


This is version 2 -- takes a largish input data set and produces a larger output randomised data set that preserves some LD but collapses population structure


This is a Nextflow script that uses hapsimul to get some population structure back in the data