
Scripts etc to set up a new computer

Primary LanguageShell

Setup script

Just a bash script to automate a lot of set up stuff when getting a new mac. This is mainly about setting up homebrew, then using brew to install other stuff. Also, some settings are done for system preferences to be the way I like them. I recommend looking through the script and adjusting to your own liking, and not just running it blindly. No guarantees.

Useful shortcuts to know for newcomers to macOS

cmd + spacebar: default hotkey to Spotlight. Note, I remap this to switch between language inputs, and use ctrl + spacebar for Spotlight (which is more comfy if you use caps-lock as a ctrl). cmd + tab: switch between apps
cmd + ` : switch between windows of the current app
cmd + L: go to search bar (in most apps)
/: go to search bar (in some websites, like GMail)
cmd + ,: go to preferences of current app
spacebar: quicklook of selected file
cmd + up: navigate out of current folder
cmd + down: navigate into a folder, or open the file
cmd + n: open new window of current app
shift + cmd + n: create new folder in Finder
enter: rename file
cmd + backspace: delete file
ctrl + a: go to start of line
ctrl + e: go to end of line
ctrl + k: delete from cursor to end of line
ctrl + tab: go to next tab
ctrl + shift + tab: go to previous tab

Note: I strongly recommend remapping the caps-lock to a ctrl, it makes several of these shortcuts a lot more comfortable. You can do this under Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard > Modifier Keys... or with the Karabiner app (better if you're going to remap other things too).

Git set-up

Apple Finder automatically creates a .DS_Store file in every folder, spotlight and other things. See wiki and se. This can get annoying if you mistakenly add it to a repository with git add --all, as it will continuously change (and you definitely don't want to push it to a remote). So it gets added to .gitignore_global for all our local repos.

Some recommended Apps

Check the actual setup script for all the apps. Here are some I recommend you start using, which you may not be familiar with if you're new to macOS.

  • osxfuse mount remote drives with sshfs
  • keepingyouawake menu-bar app for keeping your machine from sleeping (fork from caffeine)
  • karabiner-elements Key-remapping app, the continuation of Karabiner
  • iterm2 A better terminal
  • nvalt A fantastic, lightweight note-taker. This is a fork from notational-velocity, which I think is actually prettier, but unfortunately doesn't have markdown support.
  • spectacle menu-bar app providing hotkeys for resizing windows how you want (which has been built-into msft windows forever)
  • cgoban Client for playing go on the KGS server
  • sabaki really nice client for editing SGF files
  • SensibleSideButtons enables side-buttons on some mice
  • Maccy clipboard manager


Script asks if you want to do these, so you can run the script just for the libraries/apps too.

  • Stop Apple Photos from launching everytime a camera is plugged in
  • Expand save and print dialogs by default (show folders etc.)
  • Always show scroll-bars on side
  • Use un-natural scrolling (old-style scrolling, not tablet-style)
  • Turn off auto-spell globally
  • Unpin everything from the dock
  • Place dock on the left, vertically
  • Set windows to minimize instead of having fancy genie-effects
  • Tell Chrome to use system-dialog for printing instead of built-in dialog (I like consistency)


Under Preferences > Keys > KeyMappings, change ^+tab to Next Tab and ^+shift+tab to Previous Tab, to match Chrome behaviour (and be more intuitive imho).
Change font to Inconsolata 16pt, and Non-ASCII Font to Inconsolata for Powerline 16pt.