UAV Mission Server

The UAV mission server functions as a go-between for the flight control unit and the UAV mission, enabling multiple clients to communicate via a serial port over TCP and processing ground control commands using the MAVLink protocol. This server permits the initial client that connects (following a first-come, first-served approach) to send data to the serial port.

architecture diagram


Install GStreamer:

$ sudo apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev

Install libYAML:

$ sudo apt install libyaml-dev

future is required to generate MAVLink headers.

$ pip3 install future


$ make


Start Video Streaming:

$ scripts/

Launch Mission Server:

$ build/mission-server [-p tcp_port] [-r,--print-rc]

Command Sending (The server must be launched first):

To play a tune with designated track number:

$ build/mission-server --send-tune track-number


  • TCP Port -- The TCP to accept connections on (optional, the default is 8278).


Serial Port Configuration

The serial port can be configured via serial.yaml, where the default settings are given as follows:

port: /dev/ttyUSB0
baudrate: 57600
parity: N
data-bits: 8
stop-bits: 1

Note that:

  • port is the name of the serial port to use (e.g., /dev/ttyS0 on UNIX).
  • baudrate is the baud rate to use, e.g., 115200.
  • parity can be N for none, O for odd, E for even, M for mark, or S for space.
  • data-bits can be 5, 6, 7, or 8.
  • stop-bits can be 1, 1.5, or 2.

Camera and Gimbal Configuration

Currently, the uav-mission-server supports up to 6 camera-gimbal pairs defined in devices.yaml.

A valid device setting includes a device type name, the configuration file corresponds with the device type, and should be enabled with true. For example:

device0_config: devices/siyi_a8_mini.yaml
device0_type: siyi
device0_enabled: true

Different device types have distinguished configuration formats (Though currently, the uav-mission-server supports siyi as the sole type only). Explore the directory config/devices/ for more information.