
Installation Script for OpenStack Stein based on ARM Server (ubuntu20.04)

A new version has been released. Please check the OpenStack-XENA !!!!!!!!!!!

OpenStack installer

ARM CPU Server-based Stein version manual installation method is written on Wiki.

Here, a shell script is written based on the contents of the Wiki, and the execution order of the shell script is as follows.


# sudo su
# cd
# git clone

Step.1 Prerequisites

  • It runs on the Controller Node.

    # cd
    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/
  • It runs on the Controller Node.

    # cd 
    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/

Step.2 Keystone

  • It runs on the Controller Node.
    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/

Step.3 Glance

  • It runs on the Controller Node.
    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/

Step.4 Placement

  • It runs on the Controller Node.
    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/

Step.5 Nova

  • It runs on the Controller Node.

    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/
  • It runs on the compute Node.

    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/
  • It runs on the Controller Node.

    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/

Step.6 Neutron

  • It runs on the Controller Node.

    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/
  • It runs on the compute Node.

    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/

Setp.7 Horizon

  • It runs on the Controller Node.
    # ./OpenStack-Wallaby/