
Making my first own Brief Renderer (for Study OpenGL)

Primary LanguageC++


Making my first own Brief Renderer (for Study OpenGL)

Day 1 (190901)

  • Downloaded the codes from ssloy/tinyrenderer. Link
  • Figured out how to run the codes with GNU make.

GNU make

I didn't even know how to make output with these codes. I googled tga output, makefiles, xcode and finally figured out how they work.

1. G++ is a compiler for C++ language.


You can check it out at ./Makefile

2. What I installed are not sure to be needed.

I installed homebrew and with brew, I installed arm-gcc-bin and coreutils. Brew brew tap osx-cross/arm brew install arm-gcc-bin brew install coreutils.

3. And I built the rerderer for the first time.

Move to the directory where Makefile is. move
make make
Run the .exe file. ./main run
Then the output is created. output

4. Errors that I've met today.

No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
I had to move to the exact directory(where Makefile is).

missing seperator. Stop.
I had to edit Makefile. It requires real tab instead of 4 white spaces. I edited it with text editor.

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