shiraz-30's Stars
Sentimo is a unique movie recommendation software that evaluates the notes from your Diary and evaluates the mood of the user. Mapping this emotion to the movie genre, we can suggest users movies of the type that fits their personality! Isn't it cool?
Feeltivity - Recommends songs based on your emotions.
Sentimo is a web-application in which the user can write their daily diary on the basis of their experiences and emotions. After analysing the user's emotions, Sentimo would recommend certain movies accordingly. YouTube Link:-
CodeZone serves as a platform which eases the path for our fellow coders, by providing a dedicated roadmap for progression via our recommendation system along with our gamified learning environment, which provides a zeal to move forward.
This model will assist the credit card sanctioning companies, in order to decide whether to approve a credit card to a particular customer who has applied for one, or reject the application.
Trained different types of ML Models and judged them on a variety of measures in order to find out the best model, suitable for predicting about heart diseases.
Insightify is a portal for hotel managers wherein they can enter their old customer database and can get the analytics and suggestions as to what can be improved in their hotel services and how can they increase the number of customers and the revenue generated from them.
The Loan-Debt-Predictor model helps the business owner to access their existing business condition and make a prediction about, whether the loan amount desired by the business owner to be taken, will give profits or is it risky for the owner to take.
I implemented some of the famous ML algorithms, techniques and then experimented on some datasets.