

Primary LanguageC++

1 .Code Structure

├── firmware: stm32固件,根据IRbot2022电控组云台框架进行构建 https://github.com/Qylann/gimbal-standard
└── src
  ├── skider_interface: skider自定义通信接口
  ├── skider_hw: 底层通信包,存放底层接口通信节点
  ├── skider_sensor: 传感器处理包,存放传感器的数据处理节点
  └── skider_control: 控制包,存放了一个云台控制节点和一个底盘控制节点 \

2 .Dependencies

-ros2=galactic(can not be foxy!)
-libusb=1.0.26(can be other version)
-rt kernel(eg. 5.15.133-rt69)
# setup libusb
tar -jxvf libusb-1.0.26.tar.bz2 
sudo apt update 
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
cd libusb-1.0.26
sudo ./configure 
sudo make install

to setup the realtime kernel, please check this article https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/675155576

3 .Check the hardware

usb communication


在launch skider_hw之前需要赋权usb。

lsusb	#查看usb设备

找到stm32 usb虚拟串口,假设为

Bus 003 Device 009: ID 0483:5740 STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port

一般Bus id不会改变,而Device id在每次重新插入后都会发生变化 ,所以一般这样赋权此usb端口

sudo chmod 777 /dev/bus/usb/003/*
# or 

can communication


# 检查can0 can1顺序
candump can0	#底盘
candump can1	#云台


the remote buttons' layout are as follows

buttons[5]---     ---buttons[2]
buttons[4]---     ---buttons[1]
buttons[3]---     ---buttons[0]

chassis wheels

the chassis wheels' layout are as follows

    //|                 |
    //|                 |
    //|                 |
    //|                 |
    //|                 |
    //|                 |
    //|                 |
	can id = 200 + index


#define AMMOR 0x201
#define AMMOL 0x202
#define ROTOR 0x203
#define YAW 0x205 
#define PITCH 0x206

4.Build and Launch


然后依次launch skider_hw、skider_sensor、skider_control

colcon build

source install/setup.bash

ros2 launch skider_hw skider_hw.launch.py

ros2 launch skider_sensor skider_sensor.launch.py

ros2 launch skider_control skider_control.launch.py

5.Useful commands



出现其他问题可优先检查: 检查sh文件内控制路径、自瞄路径及nuc密码 检查参数文件是否正确读取 检查can0 can1顺序 检查gimbal_demo_node.hpp包含自瞄代码自定义target.msg路径

Docker based installation is coming soon...