Video File

Simulation Videos - This drive link contains 2 simulation video files.

Part 01

Libraries Used

  • numpy
  • pynput
  • math
  • matplotlib.pyplot
  • time
  • heapq
  • matplotlib.patches
  • rclpy.qos
  • geometry_msgs.msg
  • random

Instructions to run the code

Part 1

  • Executable file:
  • Run command: python3

Part 1 Test Case 1

  • Inputs to the terminal: Enter clearance of robot: 10
    Enter the Low RPM: 5
    Enter the High RPM: 9
    Enter starting x, y, orientation separated by spaces in mm: 500 1000 0
    Enter goal x coordinates and y coordinates in mm: 5500 1000

Part 02

Main Executable Files

  • ROS package: turtlebot3_project3


  1. ros2 launch turtlebot3_project3
  2. ros2 run turtlebot3_project3

Instruction to run the code

  1. Place the ROS package in src folder.
  2. Run colcon build.
  3. Source install/setup.bash.
  4. Launch with ros2 launch turtlebot3_project3
  5. Run the following command in a separate terminal after sourcing install/setup.bash and ROS: ros2 run turtlebot3_project3
  6. If the ros2 run command does not execute and you get the error: "no executable found", then go into the script folder and run this command to launch the python file: python3

Part 2 Test Case 1

  • Inputs to the terminal: Enter clearance of robot in mm: 10
    Enter the Low RPM: 5
    Enter the High RPM: 9
    Enter Goal node x coordinate in mm: 3000 1700
    Enter Goal node y coordinate in mm: 3000 1700

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle