
My ultimate vim productivity suite!

Primary LanguageVim Script

My currently used Vim setup is based on the newer plugin management system called vim-plug.

There weren't very strong reasons to favor it over pathogen since both are pretty quick and easy to install and work very nicely. It's just that I wanted to give it a shot and I really liked it. Hope you enjoy it as well.


  • Clone the repository

    $ git clone https://github.com/shivamvats/Dotfiles-vim.git ~/.vim

  • Symlink the .(g)vimrc files from ~/.vim directory to your home directory. You may need to remove any preexisting files if you had setup vim before.

ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/.gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
  • Open any (g)vim instance and run :PlugInstall. You may optionally have to clean the plugged directory using :PlugClean command in case any errors are shown. It will automatically clone and install all the relevant plugins into the ~/.vim/plugged/ directory.

NOTE: It is an one time step. You don't need to run :PlugInstall everytime you open a vim instance.

  • You're done! Close and start again.


YouCompleteMe is a relatively larger plugin that requires local compilation and a bit time to install. Hence, it is disabled by default. If you want to install YCM, then uncomment the line saying Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' within the .vimrc, and run :PlugInstall again.

However, note that this might not work out of the box on 32 bit machines. In that case, please have a look at their documentation for manual installation process.