
Cache-accel: FPGA Accelerated Multi-Core Cache Simulator

Primary LanguageVerilog

Cache-accel: FPGA Accelerated Multi-Core Cache Simulator

Designing Parameterized cache simulator with complete hierarchy of cache memory in single core and multi core processors on FPGA which can be partially reconfigured to include prefetching.

I/O of Simulator: Input: Trace File Output: Hit and Miss Metric and Latency Metric dumped in file

Board used: Zedboard - Zynq Architecture PL - Cache Architecture PS - To send the Input files and receive the Output file

We run a set of SPEC 2017 benchmarks on Cache-accel and find that it can run nearly 7x and 11.5x faster (on an average) on a single-core framework and 2.61x and 5.33x faster (on an average) on multi-core framework as compared to ChampSim and Snipersim to generate hit/miss rates for several parallel configurations.


  1. FPGA Accelerated Parameterized Cache Simulator
  2. Cache-accel: FPGA Accelerated Cache Simulator with Partially Reconfigurable Prefetcher