This repository contains the MATLAB code for computing 2nd order analytical time derivatives of Equations of Motions of multi-body systems in closed form using body fixed representation of the twists. This repository accompanies the submission: Andreas Mueller, Shivesh Kumar, Closed Form Time Derivatives of the Equations of Motions of Rigid Body Systems. In: Springer Multibody System Dynamics 2021 (under review).
- Panda_InvDyn_BodyFixed_ClosedForm.m: 2nd order time derivatives in closed form which uses robot parameters from Franka Emika Panda robot
- Kuka_InvDyn_BodyFixed_ClosedForm.m: 2nd order time derivatives in closed form which uses robot parameters from KUKA IIWA LBR robot
- RR_symbolic.m: Generate symbolic equations for 2nd order time derivatives using the closed form expressions for the planar 2R robot
- ClosedFormInvDyn_BodyFixed.m: Function to compute 2nd order inverse dynamics in closed form - works in both numerical and symbolic modes
- SE3Exp.m: Function to compute exponential mapping for SE(3)
- SO3Exp.m: Function to compute exponential mapping for SO(3)
- SE3Inv.m: Function to compute analytical inverse of exponential mapping for SE(3)
- SE3AdjMatrix.m: Function to compute (6x6) Adjoint Matrix for SE(3)
- SE3adjMatrix.m: Function to compute (6x6) adjoint Matrix for SE(3) - also known as spatial cross product in the literature
- SE3AdjInvMatrix.m: Function to compute Inverse of (6x6) Adjoint Matrix for SE(3)
- MassMatrixMixedData.m: Function to build mass-inertia matrix in SE(3) from mass, inertia and center of mass information
- InertiaMatrix.m: Function to build rotational inertia matrix from minimal set of parameters
- ScrewCoordinatesIFR.m: Function to compute the screw coordinates vector in the inertial frame of reference (IFR) from 3D axis vector and origin vector
Müller, A., Kumar, S. Closed-form time derivatives of the equations of motion of rigid body systems. Multibody Syst Dyn 53, 257–273 (2021).
title={Closed-form time derivatives of the equations of motion of rigid body systems},
author={Mueller, Andreas and Kumar, Shivesh},
journal={Multibody System Dynamics},
publisher={Springer Netherlands}