Source code for the TMLR paper "Black-Box Prompt Learning for Pre-trained Language Models"
- aieveryday
- Alan-QinHKUST
- DongSkyThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- entropy2333
- fabfish中国科学技术大学
- fly51flyPRIS
- gingasan
- gmftbyGMFTBYBeijing Institute of Technology
- hakuturu583TIER Ⅳ.inc
- HillZhang1999Bytedance
- JacksonWuxsUniversity of Georgia, School of Computing
- jinzhuoranNEU & CASIA
- jon-chunKenyon College
- jxzhangjhuIntuit AI Research
- jyhong836University of Texas at Austin
- kai-wen-yang
- KeXue-NJUNanjing University
- kugwzk
- li-moxin
- LightChen233
- lwaekfjlkCKC@ZJU -> LTI@CMU -> CS@UIUC
- nihaofuyue0617
- ozyyshrIL, USA
- pprpData Science and Analytic Thrust, Information Hub, HKUST(GZ)
- QiushiSunThe University of Hong Kong
- qufy6
- RayJue
- steveluo01haidii
- THUYimingLiZhejiang University
- TimothyxxxThe University of Hong Kong
- wduoPretending in Hangzhou Creative Culture Company(PH3C)
- xingchenwanGoogle
- xyq7HKUST
- youhua97
- zhaoxin94Jilin University
- zhjohnchanThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen