Simulates and displays the optimization of a DNA sequence through natural selection, crossover, and mutation. Made in conjunction with the 2023 IGEM team at Ohio State University.

Primary LanguageJava


Running instructions


  1. Download the newest release of IGEMGUI.zip from the releases page.
  2. Extract the zip file to a directory of the same name: IGEMGUI.
  3. Double click the windowsrun.bat file.


  1. Download the newest release of IGEMGUI.zip from the releases page.
  2. Extract the zip file to a directory of the same name: IGEMGUI.
  3. Double click the macrun.command file.

To View Source Code:

  1. Navigate to the newest release of IGEMGUI from the releases page.
  2. Click on the Source code (zip) hyperlink under the Assets section of the release.
  3. Extract the zip file and the code should be visible from there.