
A plugin for Unity that automatically switches between the light and dark editor themes based on the current time. It even supports automatically getting the current sunrise & sunset times based on provided longitude and latitude.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT




  • Download the source and add it either as a local package via the Package Manager or drop the source right into your project
  • Use OpenUPM to install it


  • Unity version 2020.1 or newer (last tested with 2020.3.1f1)
  • Api Compatibility Level needs to be .NET 4.x or .NET Core 2.0


  • Automatically toggles between the light and dark editor themes based on your current local time using
    • ... either a custom sunrise and sunset time you entered
    • ... or a automatically fetched sunrise and sunset time based on the longitude & latitude you entered

Getting Started

Head over to your Preferences window and go to Project/Auto Dark Mode, here you can configure the following options:

  • Enable Auto Dark Mode: If this is checked, the plugin will compare your local time* to the Sunrise and Sunset options (see below) and turn on the respective theme.
  • Auto Fetch: If checked, the plugin will try to fetch and auto fill the Sunrise, Sunset, Longitude and Latitude options (see below) using http://ip-api.com/json/ and sunrise-sunset.org API once a day.
  • Fetch now and Fetch Timeout: Force a fetch of the Sunrise and Sunset options (see below) now.
    • Rough Location and Longitude/Latitude (only shown if Auto Fetch is enabled): Fill in the longitude and latitude of your location (e.g. 52.52 and 13.4050 for Berlin, Germany). Does not need to be super accurate. This usually filled in automatically.
  • Sunrise and Sunset: The times* when sunrise and sunset occur/when Auto Dark Mode should switch the editor theme. If Auto Fetch is enabled, these fields should be populated for you automatically, otherwise you have to enter them manually*.
  • Show Extra Logs: Show some logs to know what's going on behind the scenes.

* All times are in UTC.

What will it add/do to my project?

  • Besides the actual plugin code it will create a config file (Assets/AutoDarkModeSettings.asset) to store the users settings when opening the settings for the first time. It is recommended to add this to your .gitignore as this plugin is supposed to be configurable on a per-user level so each user needs to have their own copy.
  • The plugin will hook into the InitializeOnLoadMethod and EditorApplication.projectChanged flow and try to decide if a switch of the editor theme is required and do so if needed.

Known Issues

  • Editor Theme is not applied on a per-project level: This is something Unity has to change, unfortunately the Editor theme is a global setting and can't be changed on a per-project level.

If you notice anything else that might be wrong, file an issue.

Improvement Ideas 💡

  • A way to automatically detect the user's location (long/lat). A rough estimate should be just fine to get good-enough approximations for the sunrise & sunset times.
  • Provide sensible default values for Sunset and Sunrise so the plugin works out of the box.
  • InitializeOnLoadMethod mostly occurs when scripts change or the project launched, for non-programmers this might not happen often enough - maybe hook into Asset Database Reload somehow or something alike?
  • Automatically open Project Settings when plugin is added for the first time or provide a button in the welcome popup to go there.
  • Add option to invert the theme (light during the night, dark during the day). Not sure if this is something someone actually wants?

PRs are welcome!