
This project is a part of the report for my 7th semester program elective (EC-4142 Analog-VLSI).

Design and Analysis of CMOS-Based VCO

This repository showcases the design and analysis of an CMOS-inverter based Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). The simulation and analysis is conducted on the LTSpice environment. The hierarchical index includes the under :


  1. Introduction : Includes the brief overview and motivation behind the study
  2. VCO Basics : Covers the essentials of VCO
  3. Inverter Based-VCO (Circuit Design and Methodology) : Demonstrates the inverter based VCO circuit design and methodology
  4. Results and Waveforms : Contains the results i.e the waveforms obtained during the study
  5. TSMC 180um Liberty : The spice liberty file used in the study for anlaysis
  6. SPICE-Netlist : Contains the SPICE netlist used for the simulation

Resources :