iflix frontend


Steps for running frontend APP (must be running backend - see URL above)

  • run backend (see below for steps)
  • git clone git@github.com:shouheiyamauchi/iflix-frontend.git
  • yarn install
  • yarn run dev
  • open http://localhost:3000
  • login as admin (admin::password) to add, edit and delete content

Dummy usernames already created: admin, iflix_user, shouhei, john (all with the password 'password')

Steps for running API (dependency for front end)

  • git clone git@github.com:shouheiyamauchi/iflix-backend.git
  • yarn install
  • yarn run dev

'yarn' command can be replaced with 'npm'

Steps for running tests

  • brew install watchman
  • yarn run test -> type 'a' to run all tests

Efficiency Considerations

  • Only call API when necessary (e.g. when displaying a rating call API only when the user clicks on the rating modal)
  • Store data loaded once to avoid multiple calls (ratings, content list)
  • All of this must be considered in conjunction with user experience

Future Improvements

  • Refactoring of code and some more componentisation
  • Improve the code for rating display so it's not hardcoded
  • Folder structure - separate by types of components (e.g. modals should be in it's own folder)
  • More rigorous testing (didn't make too many due to time constraints)
  • Optimize code for internationalization
  • Better error handling (some places are only console.logging errors due to time constraints)