
avp mapping algorithm using multi-camera system

Primary LanguageC++


A mapping system for autonomous valet parking(AVP).

Developing [--------> 40 % ---------------]

  • Simulation
    • static world
    • dynamic agents
  • Data pretreatment
    • vidar point cloud
    • bev image
    • NN based Semantic segmentation
    • occupied grid for submap
  • Front End
    • Odom with scale rate
    • IMU & Encoder Fusion
  • Back End
    • 3D PGO using ceres
    • 3D PGO using g2o
  • Loop Closing
    • Object based loop closing
  • Mapping & Visualization
    • Cloud map
    • Grid map
    • Vector map

Quick Start

Clone and build

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone git@github.com:adin-pro/avp_mapping.git
cd ..
source devel/setup.zsh

Prepare model & materials for simulation

unzip parklot.tar.gz and copy extraced files to .gazebo/models/

tar -zxvf parklot.tar.gz;
cp -r parklot/ .gazebo/models/

Online Mode

Launch Simulation world and rviz

replace word_dir in avp_mapping/config/global_config.yaml with your own path

roslaunch avp_mapping online_simulation.launch

Control your robot

roslaunch avp_mapping robot_control.launch
rosrun avp_mapping avp_data_pretreat_node

Launch Mapping Nodes

roslaunch avp_mapping online_mapping.launch

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Offline Mode [Recommended]

Use rosbag to record data, and then use offline mode for more efficient program development

roslaunch avp_mapping offline_mode.launch


Loop Closing

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Trajs after Pose Graph Optimization

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Before Optimization

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After Optimization alt text


  1. Code FrameWork https://github.com/Little-Potato-1990/localization_in_auto_driving
  2. Gazebo simulation environment https://github.com/TurtleZhong/AVP-SLAM-SIM
  3. Robot Control Module https://github.com/huchunxu/ros_exploring
  4. Implementation Reference https://github.com/liuguitao/AVP-SLAM-PLUS