Saved Reading List

A collection of articles from my browser's bookmarks. Putting it here so that it may provide value to others


  1. What is GraphQL and all things GraphQL: Front End Happy Hour podcast
  2. Why not to use GraphQL
  3. A method for Unified API Design
  4. From REST to GraphQL
  5. 5 Reasons to use GraphQL at Your Company
  6. REST vs GraphQL: A Controlled Experiment
  7. Netflix Implements GraphQL Federation at Scale
  8. GraphQL cheatsheet


  1. The Problem with React's Context API
  2. Scaling React apps
  3. React lifecycle methods diagram
  4. Build maintainable React apps — Part I
  5. Sharing UI components at an enterprise level


  1. JavaScript tutorial
  2. WTFJS - JS things to trip you
  3. JavaScript Questions
  4. Debounce Explained – How to Make Your JavaScript Wait For Your User To Finish Typing

Best practices

  1. Effective Code Reviews: Bettering Products, Teams, and Engineers
  2. How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You
  3. Tools for better thinking

Performance and scaling

  1. JS Self Profiling
  2. Front-End Performance Checklist 2021
  3. Introduction to architecting systems for scale.
  4. Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
  5. Increasing Application Performance with HTTP Cache Headers
  6. The hidden components of Web Caching

Career and learning

  1. How to waste your career, one comfortable year at a time
  2. How do you know when it's time to leave your current company and move on?
  3. How to Prepare a Talk
  4. Negotiating Your Salary and Advancing Your Career with Josh Doody
  5. 20 Most-Recommended Books for Software Developers
  6. The state of JS
  7. The Ultimate Skip Level Meeting Guide for Leaders
  8. Things I Learned to Become a Senior Software Engineer

API development

  1. A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.

Interview prep

  1. A React Developer's Guide To Technical Interviews
  2. System Design Interview Questions – Concepts You Should Know
  3. Sorting and Searching
  4. Study and Practice
  5. Questions To Ask
  6. Engineering interviews: grading rubric
  7. Software Engineering Interview Bootcamp
  8. How to Prepare for Software Engineering Interviews
  9. [Best Frontend interview questions](
  10. Cracking the front end interview




  1. Building a DevJoke Application with GraphQL
  2. Front-End Developer Handbook 2018