A list of recent papers regarding deep learning and deep reinforcement learning. They are sorted by time to see the recent papers first. I will renew the recent papers and add notes to these papers.
You should find the papers and software with star flag are more important or popular.
- 2012 | AlexNet: ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.
- 2013 | RCNN: Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation.
- 2014 | CGNA: Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets.
- 2014 | DeepFaceVariant: Deep Learning Face Representation from Predicting 10,000 Classes.
- 2014 | GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks.
- 2014 | GoogLeNet: Going Deeper with Convolutions.
- 2014 | OverFeat: Integrated Recognition, Localization and Detection using Convolutional Networks.
- 2014 | SPPNet: Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition.
- 2014 | VAE: Semi-Supervised Learning with Deep Generative Models.
- 2014 | VGGNet: Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition.
- 2015 | DCGAN: Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks.
- 2015 | DRAW: A Recurrent Neural Network For Image Generation.
- 2015 | Global And Local Attention: Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation.
- 2015 | FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering.
- 2015 | Fast R-CNN.
- 2015 | Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks.
- 2015 | FCNT: Visual Tracking with Fully Convolutional Networks.
- 2015 | Inception V3: Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision.
- 2015 | LAPGAN: Deep Generative Image Models using a Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks.
- 2015 | NeuralGPU: Neural GPUs Learn Algorithms.
- 2015 | Pointer Networks.
- 2015 | ResNet: Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks.
- 2015 | Skip-Thought Vectors.
- 2015 | Transformer: Spatial Transformer Networks.
- 2016 | Domain Separation Networks.
- 2016 | Dp_sgd: Deep Learning with Differential Privacy.
- 2016 | EnergyGAN: Energy-based Generative Adversarial Network.
- 2016 | Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization.
- 2016 | Im2txt: Show and Tell: Lessons learned from the 2015 MSCOCO Image Captioning Challenge.
- 2016 | InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets.
- 2016 | Multiple_teachers: Semi-supervised Knowledge Transfer for Deep Learning from Private Training Data.
- 2016 | Neural Programmer: Learning a Natural Language Interface with Neural Programmer.
- 2016 | PixelCNN: Conditional Image Generation with PixelCNN Decoders.
- 2016 | Pix2Pix: Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks.
- 2016 | PVANet: Lightweight Deep Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection.
- 2016 | R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks.
- 2016 | SeqGAN: Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets with Policy Gradient.
- 2016 | SqueezeNet: AlexNet-level accuracy with 50x fewer parameters and <0.5MB model size.
- 2016 | Swivel: Improving Embeddings by Noticing What's Missing.
- 2016 | SyntaxNet: Globally Normalized Transition-Based Neural Networks.
- 2016 | Textsum: Sequence-to-Sequence with Attention Model for Text Summarization.
- 2016 | VGNA: Generative Adversarial Networks as Variational Training of Energy Based Models.
- 2017 | Learning to Remember Rare Events.
- 2017 | SalGAN: Visual Saliency Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks.
- 2017 | WGAN: Wasserstein GAN.
- 2017 | BEGAN: Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks.
- Aligning the fastText vectors of 78 languages
- Available pretrained word embeddings
- Inception-v3 of imagenet
- Caffe2 Model Repository
- Chinese word vectors
- Dependency-Based Word Embeddings.
- Development kit for MIT Scene Parsing Benchmark
- GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
- Model of the deep residual network used for cifar10
- Pre-trained word vectors of 30+ languages
- Pre-Trained Doc2Vec Models
- Pre-trained word vectors ⭐
- ResNet in TensorFlow Pretrain Model
- Single Image 3D Interpreter Network
- Source code and pretrained model for webcam pix2pix
- TensorFlow VGG-16 pre-trained model
- Trained image classification models for Keras
- VGGNets for Scene Recognition
- ZF_UNET_224 Pretrained Model
- [Berkeley] CS294: Deep Reinforcement Learning
- [Berkeley] Stat212b:Topics Course on Deep Learning
- [CUHK] ELEG 5040: Advanced Topics in Signal Processing(Introduction to Deep Learning)
- [David Silver] RL Course
- [Google] Udacity Deep Learning Online Course
- [Hinton] Neural Networks for Machine Learning
- [Hvass Laboratories] TensorFlow
- [Jeremy Howard] Deep Learning For Coders
- [MIT] Practical Deep LeTensorFlowarning For Coders
- [MIT] S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars
- [MIT] S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
- [NYU] Deep Learning by Prof. Yann LeCun
- [Oxford] Deep Learning Course
- [Oxford] Deep Learning by Prof. Nando de Freitas
- [Paris Saclay]Deep Learning course: lecture slides and lab notebooks
- [Stanford] CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- [Stanford] CS20SI: Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research
- [Stanford] CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- [Stanford] CS 228: Probabilistic Graphical Models
- [Toronto] CSC 2541 Fall 2016:Differentiable Inference and Generative Models
- [Utah] Applied Computational Genomics Course at UU
- [YouTube]OpenCV with Python for Image and Video Analysis
- [吴立德] 《深度学习课程》
- [李宏毅] Machine Learning and having it Deep and Structured
- Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville.
- Deep Learning Tutorial by LISA lab, University of Montreal
- Documentation on all topics that I learn on both Artificial intelligence and machine learning.
- Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Practical Guide with Applications in Python
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen
- 神经网络与深度学习.邱锡鹏
- UFLDL Tutorial
- Rules of Machine Learning: Best Practices for ML Engineering
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction.
- Reinforcement LearningState-of-the-Art
- A Course in Machine Learning
- 深度学习入门 by PaddlePaddle
- TensorFlow For Machine Intelligence
- First Contact With TensorFlow
- Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python
- Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Deep Learning over PyTorchChainer
Chainer bridge the gap between algorithms and implementations of deep learning.ChainerRL
A deep reinforcement learning library built on top of Chainer.DeepPy
A Pythonic deep learning framework built on top of NumPy.Deepnet
A GPU-based python implementation of deep learning algorithms.Deepgaze
A computer vision library for human-computer interaction based on CNNsEdward
A library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism.Elephas
Distributed Deep learning with Keras & Spark.Gensim
Deep learning toolkit implemented in python programming language intended for handling large text collections, using efficient algorithms.Hebel
A library for deep learning with neural networks in Python using GPU acceleration with CUDA through PyCUDA.Keras
Deep Learning library for Theano and TensorFlow. ⭐Kur
Descriptive Deep Learning. ⭐Neon
Neon is Nervana's Python based Deep Learning framework.Pyclustering
A Python, C++ data mining clustering, graph coloring algorithms, oscillatory networks, neural networks library.PyTorch
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration. ⭐Scikit-Learn
Machine learning in Python. ⭐Semisup-Learn
Semi-supervised learning frameworks for Python
SciKit-Learn Laboratory (SKLL) makes it easy to run machine learning experiments.Sonnet
TensorFlow-based neural network libraryTensorFX
An end to end application framework to simplifies machine learning with TensorFlowTheano
Mathematical library in Python, maintained by LISA lab
Deep learning framework by the BVLC ⭐CNTK
The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit.DeepDetect
Open Source Deep Learning Server & APIDIGITS
A new system for developing, training and visualizing deep neural networks.Dlib
A modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++.DSSTNE
An Amazon developed library for building Deep Learning (DL) machine learning (ML) models.Jik
Lightweight Deep Learning FrameworkKann
A lightweight C library for artificial neural networksPaddlePaddle
An easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable deep learning platform.MaTEx
Machine Learning Toolkit for Extreme ScaleMRPT
The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT)MXNet
A flexible and efficient deep learning library for heterogeneous distributed systems with multi-language support ⭐Neural Designer
Neural Designer is the most advanced analytics softwareNVIDIA TensorRT
High performance deep learning inference for production deploymentSinga
An Apache Incubating project for developing an open source deep learning library.Tensorflow
An open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graph by Google ⭐Tiny-dnn
A C++11 implementation of deep learning.
Stanford CoreNLP
A Java suite of core NLP tools.Deeplearning4J
Neural Net Platform.NeuralNetworks
This is a Java implementation of some of the algorithms for training deep neural networks.NewralNet
A lightweight, easy to use and open source Java library for experimenting with feed-forward neural nets and deep learning.
CNNs for MATLABDLMatFramework
Deep Learning Matlab Framework
- pytorch
- Adversarial Autoencoders
- A fast and differentiable QP solver for PyTorch.
- A PyTorch Implementation for Triplet Networks
- A PyTorch Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector.
- A simple PyTorch Implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks, focusing on anime face drawing
- Comprehensive Data Augmentation and Sampling for Pytorch
- CNNs for Sentence Classification in PyTorch
- Convolutional recurrent network in pytorch
- Deep Q-Learning Network in pytorch
- Draw like Bob Ross using the power of Neural Networks
- Fast Neural Style for Image Style Transform by Pytorch
- Highway networks implemented in PyTorch.
- Image Classification Project Killer in PyTorch
- Image-to-image translation in PyTorch ⭐
- LeafSnap replicated using deep neural networks to test accuracy compared to traditional computer vision methods.
- Lightweight implementation of neural style in Pytorch with SqueezeNet
- OpenNMT: Open-Source Neural Machine Translation in PyTorch ⭐
- Open source person re-identification library in python ⭐
- PyTorch Implementation of CycleGAN and SGAN for Domain Transfer
- PyTorch implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks
- pytorch implementation of grammar variational autoencoder
- PyTorch implementation of Global Vectors for Word Representation
- PyTorch implementation of the Value Iteration Networks
- PyTorch Marvelous ChatBot ⭐
- Pytorch Negative Sampling Loss
- Pytorch Poetry Generation
- Quickly comparing your image classification models with the state-of-the-art models
- Sequence to Sequence Models with PyTorch
- SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Object Detector, in PyTorch
- t-SNE experiments in pytorch
- Weight normalization
- YOLOv2 in PyTorch
- theano
- tensorflow
- A framework for developing and evaluating reinforcement learning algorithms
- A general-purpose encoder-decoder framework for Tensorflow that can be used for Machine Translation, Text Summarization, Conversational Modeling, Image Captioning, and more.
- An easy implement of VGG19 with tensorflow, which has a detailed explanation.
- An experimentation system for Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow, and Keras. ⭐
- An implementation of Pix2Pix in Tensorflow for use with frames from films
- A Practical Guide for Debugging TensorFlow Codes
- A set of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents implemented in Tensorflow. ⭐
- A simple baseline for 3d human pose estimation in tensorflow.
- Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using End-to-End Memory Networks
- A tensorflow implementation for SqueezeDet, a convolutional neural network for object detection.
- A Tensorflow implementation of CNN-LSTM image caption generator architecture
- A tensorflow implementation of "Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks" ⭐
- A TensorFlow implementation of Baidu's DeepSpeech architecture
- A tiny implementation of Deep Q Learning, using TensorFlow and OpenAI gym
- Chinese Handwriting Recognition with CNNs
- Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-label Multi-instance Relation Extraction in Tensorflow
- DeepColor: Automatic coloring and shading of manga-style lineart
- Deep Learning based Python Library for Stock Market Prediction and Modelling
- Deep LSTM siamese network for text similarity
- Deepnlp:Deep Learning NLP Pipeline implemented on Tensorflow
- Embedding Watermarks into Deep Neural Networks
- Fast Multi(Interpolative) Style Transfer
- Fast PixelCNN++: speedy image generation
- Feature Importance in the Inception (v1) Network
- Fully differentiable deep-neural decision forest in tensorflow
- GA3C: Reinforcement Learning through Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic on a GPU
- Generic U-Net Tensorflow implementation for image segmentation
- Implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks, for Audio.
- Implementations of deep RL papers and random experimentation ⭐
- Implementation of Monte Carlo Word Movers Distance in Python with TensorFlow
- Interactive, node-by-node debugging and visualization for TensorFlow ⭐
- LSTM Language Model with Subword Units Input Representations
- Machine Learning on Sequential Data Using a Recurrent Weighted Average
- Metasploit for machine learning.
- Multilabel time series classification with LSTM
- Named Entity Recognition using multilayered bidirectional LSTM
- Named Entity Recognition using Recurrent Neural Networks in Tensorflow and TFLearn
- NeuroNER: Named-entity recognition using neural networks.
- Neural Relation Extraction implemented with LSTM in TensorFlow
- OCR text recognition using tensorflow with attention
- PixelVAE with or without regularization
- PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation ⭐
- Realistic Handwriting with Tensorflow
- Real-time Joint Semantic Reasoning for Autonomous Driving
- Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree
- Sequence prediction using recurrent neural networks(LSTM) with TensorFlow
- Sequence-to-Sequence Grapheme-to-Phoneme toolkit
- Simple Recommender System using Denoising AutoEncoder, implemented using TensorFlow
- Source code and pretrained model for webcam pix2pix
- SSD in TensorFlow: Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
- Teach machine to write all we want ⭐
- Tensorflow-based Distributed Factorization Machine ⭐
- Tensorflow implementation of attention mechanism for text classification tasks.
- Tensorflow implementation of fast neural style transfer
- Tensorflow implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
- Tensorflow for Time Series Applications
- TensorFlow on iOS demo
- TensorFlow on Spark
- Tensorflow port of Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Nets ⭐
- Tensorflow Tutorial files and Implementations of various Deep NLP and CV Models
- Tutorials for deep learning
- 使用TensorFlow实现的Sequence to Sequence的聊天机器人模型
- Udacity SDC: Vehicle Detection ⭐
- Various models and code for the paraphrase identification task, specifically with the Quora Question Pairs dataset.
- 中文古诗自动作诗机器人
- Keras
- A facial expression classification system that recognizes 6 basic emotions: happy, sad, surprise, fear, anger and neutral.
- A neural network trained to help writing neural network code using autocomplete
- Deep Voice: Real-time Neural Text-to-Speech
- Embedding Watermarks into Deep Neural Networks
- Experimental implementation of novel neural network structures
- Five video classification methods
- Inception-v4, Inception - Resnet-v1 and v2 Architectures in Keras
- Implementation of some basic GAN architectures in Keras
- Isolating vocals from music with a Convolutional Neural Network.
- Keras code and weights files for popular deep learning models.
- keras-emoji-embeddings
- Keras implementation of Deep Clustering
- Keras implementation of Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
- Sis: simple image search engine
- Trained image classification models for Keras ⭐
- Transfer learning for flight-delay prediction via variational autoencoders in Keras
- Using Keras to implement recommender systems ⭐
- Wasserstein DCGAN in Tensorflow/Keras
- 15 AI and Machine Learning Events
- A curated list of awesome R packages and tools
- Awesome-2vec
- Awesome Adversarial Machine Learning
- Awesome bayesian deep learning
- Awesome deep vision web demo
- Awesome Caffe
- Awesome Deep Learning
- Awesome Deep learning papers and other resources
- Awesome Deep Vision
- Awesome Explorables
- Awesome Most Cited Deep Learning Papers
- Awesome Public Datasets
- Awesome PyTorch ⭐
- Awesome-question-answering
- Awesome Reinforcement Learning
- Awesome Robotics
- Awesome Sentiment Analysis
- Awesome-SLAM-list
- Awesome speech recognition papers
- Awesome TensorFlow ⭐
- Chainer Info
- Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Tensorflow, Keras, and Pytorch ⭐
- Collection of reinforcement learners implemented in python.
- Datasets for Natural Language Processing
- Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision
- Deep Learning for Recommendation Systems
- Deep Learning Model Convertors
- Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap
- Deep Learning Toolbox
- Generative Models
- Machine Learning / Deep Learning Conferences
- Machine Learning Videos
- Machine Learning From Scratch
- Must-read papers on NRL/NE.
- Neural Networks on Silicon
- Paper list of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL)
- Really-awesome-gan
- Really-awesome-semantic-segmentation
- Resources and codes about transfer learning and domain adaptation
- SCODE Word Embeddings using Substitute Words
- Speech and Natural Language Processing
- Summaries and notes on Deep Learning research papers
- TensorFlow and Deep Learning Tutorials
- TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for beginners ⭐
- The GAN Zoo
- The Incredible PyTorch: a curated list of tutorials, papers, projects, communities and more relating to PyTorch ⭐
- Use PyTorch to implement some classic frameworks
- Various math-related things in Python code
- 机器学习资源 Machine learning
- 图像文本位置感知与识别的论文资源汇总
- 深度学习进行目标识别的资源列表
- 用于对话系统的中英文语料
- 搜狗实验室
- 情感分析︱网络公开的免费文本语料训练数据集汇总
- 中文情感分析用词语集
- 人民日报切分/标注语料库
- 数据堂
- 哈工大信息检索研究中心(HIT CIR)语言技术平台共享资源
- 语料库在线
- 中文句结构树资料库
- 中文对白语料 chinese conversation corpus
- 3 Million Instacart Orders, Open Sourced
- ACM Multimedia Systems Conference Dataset Archive
- A large-scale and high-qualityFMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis dataset of annotated musical notes.
- Alphabetical list of free/public domain datasets with text data for use in NLP
- An awesome list of high-quality datasets ⭐
- An awesome list of high-quality open datasets in public domains ⭐
- Chat corpus collection from various open sources
- [Cool Datasets](http://cooldataseWolfram Data Repositoryts.com/#Machine-Learning-Datasets) ⭐
- Cornell NLVR
- Corpora of misspellings for download
- DeepDive Open Datasets ⭐
- FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis
- Japanese Word Similarity Dataset
- Kaggle Datasets
- Movie Review Data
- Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset
- The DBpedia Knowledge Base
- The Quick, Draw! Dataset
- TriviaQA: A Large Scale Dataset for Reading Comprehension and Question Answering
- Wolfram Data Repository