
Matlab Aerospace Toolbox dependency

mees opened this issue · 3 comments

mees commented

When preprocessing the datasets with
classes = {'aeroplane','car','chair'}; for c=1:3 computeOrthographicCam(classes{c}); computeOrthographicCamImagenet(classes{c}); end precomputeVoxelsP3d;

one gets an error, if the Matlab Aerospace toolbox is not installed:

Undefined function or variable angle2dcm. Error in extractPascalAnnotations>viewpointToRots (line 49) R = angle2dcm(pi-euler(1), -pi/2 + euler(2), euler(3),'ZXZ'); %empirically computed Error in extractPascalAnnotations (line 26) [rot,euler]=viewpointToRots(viewpoint); Error in computeOrthographicCam (line 3) pascalInstances = extractPascalAnnotations(className);

There are some online implementations of the angle2dcm function which you can use instead if the aerospace toolbox is not available e.g. here.

mees commented

I guess you should either include an implementation or mention in the docs that there is this aerospace toolbox dependency.

Thanks for the suggestion - I'll mention this as a dependency.