Asynchronous Spatial Allocation Protocol for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Trajectory Planning

Primary LanguagePython

ASAP: Asynchronous Spatial Allocation Protocol for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Trajectory Planning

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTtVinPomfs


In this package, we provide a multi-agent trajectory planning method for heterogeneous system. The inter-agent communication is based on ROS and do not any synchronization. We achieve this by an inter-agent protocol named as ASAP (Asynchronous Spatial Allocation Protocol). The following figures will illustrate its performance.

16 heterogeneous agents exchange their positions



8 Ackman cars exchang lateral positions



Unsignalized intersection



Quick Start

Install Denpendency

  1. Install ROS following https://www.ros.org/
  2. Install some python packages:
pip install rospkg==1.4.0 numpy scipy

Here, we only support python3

  1. Install ACADOS as this link (https://docs.acados.org/)

  2. Install tmux as follows:

sudo apt-get install tmux

General Setup

Setup the project as follows:

git clone https://github.com/CYDXYYJ/ASAP.git
source deve/setup.bash

Setup With Conda

If you install acados and rospkg in a specific conda enviroment, you need to uncomment the following code in ./src/planner/scripts/launch.py.

os.system('tmux send-keys -t '+session_name+':0.'+str(i) +' "conda activate $conda-env-name$" C-m')

Additionally, the $conda-env-name$ above should be replaced by your conda enviroment name.

Run It

  1. Open the visualization panel:
roslaunch visual vis.launch
  1. Start the planner:
python3 src/planner/scripts/launch.py
  1. Publish the tarets:
python3 src/planner/scripts/publish.py


Controlled Objects

Here, we deine more than 7 kinds of controlled objects which can be found under ASAP/src/planner/scripts/Dynamic/ Commenly, we classify these objects into three category which are car for bicycle model, unicycle for unicycle model and omnidirection for omnidirectional model. The specific object is defined under coresponding three folder. For example, a mini-ackman car is defined at ASAP/src/planner/scripts/Dynamic/Car/Mini_ack.