
Analysis of corvid data

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Corvid phylogeny

Paths to the data

All the relevant data for this project is stored in or linked in the /home/shyam/projects/corvids/data directory. The following is data summary from the email that Rute sent out on the 26th of August 2015.

The capture regions are in : /home/joseas/data/Birds/NewBait/Corvus_brachyrhynchos_capture.fasta

The references genome: /home/joseas/data/Birds/NewBait/GenomeBGI/Corbr/*fa

The folders for the first round of sequencing of the corvids are these: /k/basecalls/20130626_hiseq1b/Project_Corvids/Sample*

The second round of sequencing is in: /k/basecalls/20140820_hiseq2a/Project_Corvids

The initial assemblies done by Fernando are here: /home/fpealoza/data/Corvids

The ortholog list for the 48 bird genome paper is stored as: orthologs/48birds_ortholog.list

Additional information from Rute

From Fernando:

data location: /home/fpealoza/data/Corvids

The correspondence sample - specie -> Samples.xlsx Note: The Sample ’59’ is missing, and the ’ 3' has no specie assigned (NMN2_29451).Here are some results for the corvid assembly. The same pipeline used to analyze the hummingbirds data was used.

Raw assemblies: /home/fpealoza/data/Corvids/6_assembly_soap//k63.fa Scaffolds >= 200 bp: /home/fpealoza/data/Corvids/6_assembly_soap//k63.200.fa Scaffolds that aligned against the reference: (capture regions) /home/fpealoza/data/Corvids/6_assembly_soap//K63/Corvids.Filtered_lastz.fa Alignment (each dataset vs capture regions - pairwise ): /home/fpealoza/data/Corvids/7_lastz/pair_maf_k63/ Alignment (all samples - multi): /home/fpealoza/data/Corvids/7_lastz/all_samples.63.maf

From Jon Fjeldsa:

For rooting, you should use Pitta as sister to the rest.

From David:

NMN2-29451 is a Philesturnus and Cap_index_5 should be the index.

Directly from Rute's email:

The attached files:

  • allInfo*: this is all the information I have gathered regarding this project
  • trees done with the initial dataset
  • info on coverage per target of the initial assemblies

The steps towards the assembly (Cai did the lastz + chainNet step):

  1. The adapters were removed with CUTADAPT [1] and the reads were quality trimmed/filtered with PRINSEQ [2].
  2. The overlapping read pairs were merged (FLASH ).
  3. SOAPdenovo [3] was used to assemble the reads, k-mer = 63.
  4. The contigs for each sample were aligned against the reference exons and the best hit for each exon was selected. For this lastz + chainNet was used. Removed exons that covered less than 50% of the reference.
  5. Exons were grouped per gene and multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) were generated with mafft-linsi [4].

The ortholog list for the 48 bird genome paper (all supp in up on dir, should be useful for comparison with all other birds if you want): ftp://climb.genomics.cn/pub/10.5524/100001_101000/101000/48birds_ortholog.list