
a template for SIB-training course repository (when there is no website attached, otherwise go to https://github.com/sib-swiss/course_website_template )

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Course template

This is a template for SIB-training course repository when there is no website attached that you can use to create a new repository.

If you want to have a repository with a website attached go to the course_website_template instead.

This templates offers a number of basic elements that should be common to all course repository, like a readme, a file describing the license, or giving zenodo information when publishing a release.

  • README.md : this file. It will be presented on the front page of your repository.
  • .zenodo.json : JSON file to preset the data when publishing a release with zenodo. Change the course title and content creator part.
  • LICENSE.md : CC-BY-4.0 license ; this file is used by github to show this on your repository

We also propose three folders to organize course content.

  • slides/ : put there the pdf file of your slides
  • data/ : put there data files used in demonstrations, exercises, and hands-on
  • assets/ : put there "resource" files such as the pptx files of your slides, some images files, pdfs which are not directly part of the slides (such as a manual, a cheatsheet, ...), ...

Any contribution to this course material is highly appreciated 👍. Please create an issue or submit a pull request to do so.