
Welcome to the ultimate Git Guide! 🌟 This repository offers comprehensive tutorials from beginner to advanced levels. Master Git basics, branching, merging, rebasing, cherry-picking, and stashing with practical examples. Perfect for developers and students aiming to enhance their version control skills. 🚀

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Git Guide: Beginner to Advanced

Welcome to the Git Guide that takes you from a beginner to an advanced user! This repository is organized into four main sections:

Beginner Guide to Git

  1. Beginner Guide
  2. Advanced Guide
  3. Git Error Handling Guide
  4. Software Licenses Guide

1. Beginner Guide

The Beginner Guide is designed to help new users understand and use Git with practical examples.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Commands
  3. Branching
  4. Merging
  5. Resources

2. Advanced Guide

The Advanced Guide covers more complex Git topics for users who are already familiar with the basics.

Table of Contents

  1. Rebasing
  2. Cherry-Picking
  3. Stashing
  4. Resources

3. Git Error Handling Guide

The Git Error Handling Guide provides solutions and explanations for common Git errors and issues.

Table of Contents

  1. Common Git Errors and Solutions
  2. Conclusion

4. GitHub use case

The common GitHuse use cases.

Table of Contents

  1. Raising and Resolving Issues
  2. Forking a Repository

4. Software Licenses Guide

Navigate to the Software Licenses Guide for detailed information on different types of software licenses and their usage.
