Demo: UVM test in VUnit

This project demonstrates how to run a Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) test in VUnit. An article discusses this project on Sigasi Insights.



Note that VUnit 4.6.1rc0 or newer is required for this project. See instructions in in case your VUnit setup is older. assumes that you're using Aldec Riviera PRO as your simulator. Other simulators require small changes to the script. We've tried to simulate with Cadence Xcelium, unfortunately the simulation hangs at/after the end of the UVM test (probably a limitation of the current Cadence integration in VUnit).

This project is based on (and is a fork of) this Github UVM project.

How to run VUnit tests:

You need:

  • Python 3
  • VUnit 4.6.1rc0 or newer. You can install VUnit in Python with python -m pip install vunit-hdl, but at the time of writing, the newest released version of VUnit was 4.6.0. Alternatively, you can download VUnit from Github and enable it as documented in
  • A simulator which is supported by VUnit and which supports VHDL and SystemVerilog. Aldec ActiveHDL and RivieraPRO, Mentor/Siemens Questa, and Cadence Incisive/Xcelium are supported (but not that we weren't successful with the latter). Make sure to set up your simulator license before running VUnit tests.

Run the tests:

How to import the project in Sigasi Studio (XPRT license required):

  • In Sigasi Studio, select File > Import... > Sigasi > Import a VUnit project > Next
  • Browse for the script and click Finish
  • Open You'll notice missing include files on lines 3 and 4
  • In the Common Libraries folder of your project, add a linked folder named vunit_include to VUNIT/verilog/include

Add VUnit include folder to Common Libraries

  • In the editor, on line 3 of, click the error-with-lightbulb icon and use the quick fix Add Common Libraries/vunit_include to include paths

Quick fix for VUnit includes

  • Add another linked folder to Common Libraries, linking to your copy of the UVM library. Most likely, your simulator comes with a copy, so you don't need to download it yourself. E.g., Riviera PRO has a copy in the vlib subfolder of the installation folder.

Add UVM library to Common Libraries

  • In the editor, on line 4 of, use the quick fix again to add the UVM includes.

Quick fix for UVM includes

  • And that's it, your project is now fully configured.