
Trivy offline builder. Fits perfectly in your CI System

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Trivy Offline

Build Status

This project aims to solve an issue while using trivy at scale. In an environment where you need to scan hundreds or even thousands of container images with trivy, you can hit a GitHub limit while downloading the vulnerability database.


This project was inspired by the arminc/clair-db container image, and github.com/arminc/clair-local-scan project witch speeds up clair vulnerability scans.

What we do

We build and publish a new container image every day following trivy documentation to download and use the vulnerability database just once. The process was designed to be used in the air-gapped environment. Still, it fits perfectly while running this software on CI systems like drone, gitlab, github-actions, circle-ci, or travis.

We publish two different tags every day:

Quick Start

# Don't forget to pull before running
$ docker pull quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline
$ docker run --rm quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline [YOUR_IMAGE_NAME]
# or
$ docker run --rm quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline:$(date +%Y-%m-%d) [YOUR_IMAGE_NAME]

If you would like to scan the image on your host machine, you need to mount docker.sock.

# Don't forget to pull before run
$ docker pull quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline
$ docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline python:3.4-alpine
# or
$ docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline:$(date +%Y-%m-%d) python:3.4-alpine

Please re-pull latest quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline if an error occurred.

CI Example - drone ci

You can scan your container images (or anyone public available) on drone ci. See an example below:

kind: pipeline
name: example

  - name: scan
    image: quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline:latest
    pull: always
      - trivy image --skip-update python:3.4-alpine

CI Example - gitlab ci

You can include gitlab.yml in your .gitlab-ci.yml.

Here trivy is defined as a hidden job so it can be extended in any job in any stage any number of times in the same pipeline.

You can scan your own public/private container images (or anyone public available) on gitlab ci.

By default CI_REGISTRY, CI_REGISTRY_USER & CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD are used to fetch private docker image if TRIVY_AUTH_URL, TRIVY_USERNAME & TRIVY_PASSWORD variables are not defined.

In this example, by default trivy will scan the docker image (${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}) in the container registry of the repo for the branch pipeline is running for,

  - remote: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sighupio/trivy-offline/main/gitlab.yml'

  extends: .trivy
  stage: scan

And, in this example we are passing the docker image manually.

  extends: .trivy
  stage: scan
    - |
      # node:alpine...
      trivy image --skip-update node:alpine

CI Example - circle ci

You can scan your container images (or anyone public available) on circle ci. See an example below:

      - image: quay.io/sighup/trivy-offline:latest
      - run:
          name: Run Aquasec trivy scanner
          command: trivy image --exit-code 0 --format json --output trivy-container-scanning-report.json --no-progress --skip-update python:3.4-alpine
      - store_artifacts:
          path: trivy-container-scanning-report.json
          destination: trivy-container-scanning-report