
R package for grouping GO terms by their common parents

Primary LanguageR


R package for clustering of GO terms into related parent groups



goreparent requires the Bioconductor packages AnnotationDbi, clusterProfiler, GO.db, GOfuncR, and simplifyEnrichment If these are not already installed, please run the following:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

BiocManager::install(c("AnnotationDbi", "clusterProfiler", "GO.db", "GOfuncR", "simplifyEnrichment"))


Please see the vignette for full usage details.

Basic usage

goreparent clusters GO terms into groups of directly related terms with a common parent. The extent of the search for common parents between GO terms can be customised by the variables max_parents (default=2) - which defines how many generations up the search will be performed from initial 'child' GO terms - and max_from_top (default=3) - which defines how many levels down from the top level GO terms ("biological_process", "molecular_function", "cellular_component") is considered outside of the search frame and should enable more specific clusters to be identified.


enrich_file = system.file("extdata","go_enrich_results.txt", package = "goreparent")
go_input = read.table(enrich_file, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
go_parents = add_go_groups(go_input)


plot_go_parents(go_parents, collapse=FALSE, n_top=2)