
Tic Tac Toe Game in python with implemented minimax algorithm

Primary LanguagePython

#Tic Tac Toe

This is a Python version of the classis game Tic Tac Toe. It works in the console and was implemented in Python 2.7

The main game consists of human players that should insert coordinates [0..2] to play. If you want to play against an AI, there is an MiniMax agent implemented.

#How to run

For running the game for two human players: python Main.py

If you want to play against ai you should define which position you will play and which position the agent plays.

E.g. python Main.py -h -m

The command above will make you to play as X or player 1 and the MiniMax agent as O or player 2. Warning: To avoid frustration, do not play against the Minimax, it always wins! :-)