
[Deep Q Learning with Doom] ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (64, 84, 84, 4, 260) for Tensor 'DQNetwork/inputs:0', which has shape '(?, 84, 84, 4)'

tyseng92 opened this issue · 5 comments

I have tried to run the script provided in the tutorial in terminal. After the doom windows pop out for a few seconds, the value error appeared. (ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (64, 84, 84, 4, 260) for Tensor 'DQNetwork/inputs:0', which has shape '(?, 84, 84, 4)')
Platform: Ubuntu 16.04
Tensorflow version: 1.12.0

Here is the output of the error in terminal after the program run failed:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 481, in <module>
    Qs_next_state =, feed_dict = {DQNetwork.inputs_: next_states_mb})
  File "/home/work-tys/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 929, in run
  File "/home/work-tys/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1128, in _run
ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (64, 84, 84, 4, 260) for Tensor 'DQNetwork/inputs:0', which has shape '(?, 84, 84, 4)'

How to modify the dimension of next_states_mb in order to fit the array required by the DQNetwork.inputs?

I'm having the same issue, were you able to figure out a solution?

I'm having the same issue, were you able to figure out a solution?

No, haven't found a solution for this problem.

The Screen format in vizdoom isn't grayscale. the default value is CRCGCB..
You have to import ScreenFormat from vizdoom and type this when creating the environment :


can you please send the snippet of code of how to use this line in the code?


can you please send the snippet of code of how to use this line in the code?

You can add that line of code in the create_environment function, right before game.init()

Alternatively, you could change the basic.cfg file, and change the line
screen_format = CRCGCB to screen_format = GRAY8
(Which is what I did first before I found the method above)