Doctoral Student in Polar Oceanography, Masters in Geodesy
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine ResearchBremerhaven, Germany
simransuresh's Following
- akpettyUniversity of Maryland/NASA GSFC
- ecmwfShinfield Park, Reading, United Kingdom
- fspaoloNASA-JPL/Caltech
- jouvetg
- kristinemlarsonLa Jolla, CA
- lettie-roachNew York
- Machine-Learning-in-Glaciology-WorkshopNorway
- nansencenterBergen, Norway
- nasaUnited States of America
- nasa-jplPasadena, California, US
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- strawpantsITC, Department of Water Resources, University of Twente
- UWGlaciology
- wekeo