
Monte Carlo Tree Search with UCT with a couple of example games.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

This library has been merged into monolith and will not be updated further here.

Build Status

The search algorithm is quite fast and seems to work pretty well.


  • Multi-core computation (root parallelization [1]).
  • Available games:
    • Connect four (text-based)
    • Nim (text-based)


  • C++11, nothing else, for the actual search algorithm.
  • CMake is useful for building.
  • If the compiler support OpenMP it will be used for timing.
  • A graphical Go game is available if Cinder is found.


I evaluate performance when computing the first move for connect-four on an 8-core computer. With Visual Studio 2012 (64-bit), I get 1.7 million complete games per second.


  1. Chaslot, G. M. B., Winands, M. H., & van Den Herik, H. J. (2008). Parallel monte-carlo tree search. In Computers and Games (pp. 60-71). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.