An in-game UI for exploring, debugging and modifying IL2CPP and Mono Unity games.
- 2
[Bug]: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime' or one of its dependencies
#219 opened by RobbinBob - 0
- 3
[Bug]: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly UnHollowerBaseLib
#226 opened by carrved - 0
[Other]: Upload Permission NexusMods Sun Haven
#227 opened by KryziK - 3
[Bug]: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'UniverseLib.Runtime.Mono.MonoProvider' from assembly 'UniverseLib.Mono, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
#222 opened by WhiteMCWizard - 0
[Bug]: The game just crashes and i do not have any time to see any errors
#225 opened by brainrotreal - 0
[Bug]: Lobby breaks
#224 opened by hifoomin - 0
[Other]: Question: Is there a way to see which script a log is coming from?
#223 opened by EthanJamesBarron - 2
[Bug]: Cant load Unity Explorer in ST3
#220 opened by OxIceBear - 8
- 0
[Bug]: System.ArgumentException: Class System.Object does not inherit from a class registered in il2cpp
#221 opened by lontrr - 0
[Bug]: unable to load
#199 opened by kiryD - 19
[Bug]: InvalidOperationException
#189 opened by vsif3218 - 1
GUI bug
#218 opened by available123453 - 1
- 1
#217 opened by maksim10411072 - 0
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 3
[Bug]: Crash When initialized
#210 opened by YykGames - 1
- 0
[Bug]: Cant open the ui
#208 opened by oshri725 - 0
[Bug]: Research menu in DSP on mouse click reacts like I hold mouse button.
#207 opened by malomaster - 0
[Enhancement]: add button null & Expand Clipboard
#206 opened by july702 - 0
Help: standalone il2cpp
#205 opened by Krane11 - 0
[Other]: Question - Sleeping a startup script?
#201 opened by ccgm-harpy - 0
- 0
Unity Explorer crashes when opening Gorilla Tag
#198 opened by MaximosVeLOL - 0
[Bug]: Possible incompatibility with Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion HD Renovation
#197 opened by SpookLad - 1
[Bug]: UnityExplorer simply doesn't appear
#192 opened by ArgoreOfficial - 0
[Bug]: UnityExplorer not working in SAMURAI MAIDEN
#193 opened by a549956952 - 1
cyberfight modding [Other]:
#179 opened by Dialgavr - 1
[Bug]: 'UnityExplorer v4.9.0' is incompatible
#191 opened by Pepsimaaaann - 1
- 2
- 0
[Bug]: UnityExplorer can't initialize because there is no UnityEngine.UI.dll
#188 opened by MegaPiggy - 3
[Bug]: Doesn't work with latest Harmony
#182 opened by LoganDark - 0
- 1
[Enhancement]: HiDPI support
#181 opened by LoganDark - 0
[Bug]: C# Compiler fixes only crash the game
#185 opened by Turnrp - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
[Bug]: Monospace font in REPL
#174 opened by Algoinde - 0
[Enhancement]: More Options, Windows states and Scope
#178 opened by MeitziQ - 0
- 1
- 0
it does work with Dew[Bug]:
#173 opened by Smario9000