
AA120Q Course Materials

Primary LanguageJulia


Establishing Trust in Autonomous Systems

Build Status

This package supports AA120Q: Establishing Trust in Autonomous Systems, offered at Stanford.

Lecture Notebooks

  1. Introduction to Julia [Pluto]
  2. Scientific Computing [Pluto]
  3. Statistical Models [Pluto]
  4. Learning [Pluto]
  5. Simulation [Pluto]
  6. Building Autonomous Systems [Pluto]
  7. Robustness to Sensor Error [Pluto]
  8. Analysis of Autonomous Systems [Pluto]
  9. Case Studies of Autonomous Systems [Pluto]
  10. Societal Impact of Autonomy [Pluto]


  1. Estimating π [Pluto]
  2. Encounter Plotting [Pluto]
  3. Simulation [Pluto]
  4. Simple Collision Avoidance System [Pluto]
  5. Collision Avoidance System Design [Pluto]
  6. Analysis [Pluto]


  1. Install Julia version 1.5.3 from https://julialang.org/downloads
    • Add julia to the command line PATH: This will make julia available anywhere on the command line.
      • Windows

        Follow these instructions (https://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-10/add-windows-path-environment-variable/) and add the Julia `bin` directory to your User PATH environment variable (replacing with your actual Julia installation location).


      • Linux

        Edit your `~/.bashrc` to add the following line (replacing with your actual Julia installation location):

        export PATH=$PATH:/<PATH_TO_JULIA>/bin/

      • Mac OS X

        Open a terminal and run the following (this will create a`julia` alias and place it in `/usr/local/bin` which is already on the terminal path):

        sudo sh -c 'mkdir -p /usr/local/bin && ln -fs "/Applications/Julia-1.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/bin/julia" /usr/local/bin/julia'

  2. Install Git from https://git-scm.com/downloads
  3. Open a terminal and run:
    git clone https://github.com/sisl/AA120Q
    cd AA120Q
    julia install.jl
  4. Test the installation by opening julia and running:
] test AA120Q

Running Pluto

  1. Open a terminal and run julia (or you can open the Julia application itself)
  2. Inside Julia, run the following commands:
using Pluto
  • You should see an http://localhost:#### url you can open in a browser (this will open Pluto!)


Post issues either here on GitHub or on Piazza.