A Julia implementation of the Gap Heuristic Search online planning algorithm, for use with the POMDPs.jl ecosystem.
In Julia, type ]add MCTS
The difference between the gap at a belief b is defined as the difference between the upper and lower bound values: Uupper(b)-Ulower(b). The upper bound will be initalized by the best-action best-state upper bound if not specificed, and the lower bound will be initialized by the reward obtained by a random rollout policy if not specified. The Gap Heuristic Search algorithm seeks to select the obeservation that maximizes the gap of belief b becaause they are more likely to benefit from a belief backup. Actions will be selected with a lookahead using an approximate value function.
a = argmax(a -> lookahead(𝒫,b′->Uhi[b′],b,a),𝒜) # find the action that maximizes the lookahead function
o = argmax(o -> Uhi[B[(a,o)]] - Ulo[B[(a,o)]], 𝒪) # find the observation that maximizes the gap between the upper and lower bound
The exploration stops when the gap is smaller than the threshold
If `pomdp` is a POMDP defined with the [POMDPs.jl](https://github.com/sisl/POMDPs.jl) interface, the GHS solver can be used to find an optimized action, `a`, for the POMDP in belief state `b` as follows:
using POMDPs
using POMDPModels # for the CryingBaby problem
using POMDPPolicies
using BeliefUpdaters
using GHS
pomdp = BabyPOMDP()
roller = RandomPolicy(pomdp)
up = DiscreteUpdater(pomdp)
Rmax = 0.0 # best possible reward is baby not hungry, didnt feed
solver = GapHeuristicSearchSolver(roller,
ghs_policy = solve(solver, cryingbaby)
b_hungry = DiscreteBelief(cryingbaby,[.1,.9])
a = action(ghs_policy, b_hungry)