
Package template and guide for setting up continuous integration and documentation deployment.

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Testing Coverage Documentation
Build Status Coverage Status


JuliaPackageTemplate provides an example Julia project template to quickly setup continuous integration, test coverage reports, and automatic documentation deployment.


The documentation for the package can be found here: https://sisl.github.io/JuliaPackageTemplate.jl/latest

More example code and examples will be added as time permits.

Configuring Package Name

To start off with, look through the package and replace JuliaPackageTemplate with your own project name.

deps contains C/C++ file dependencies of the packages which are compiled when the package is installed by using the BinDeps.jl package.

docs contains

src contains the Julia source code of the package.

test contains unit tests which can be run locally

Also be sure to update the project UUID in Project.toml!

Testing Locally

It is possible to test the package and code locally before commiting the update and triggering a CI build.

First, open a terminal window and navigate to the package root directory and start Julia

deddy@Andromeda:~$ cd /Stanford/repos/JuliaPackageTemplate.jl
deddy@Andromeda:~/Stanford/repos/JuliaPackageTemplate.jl$ julia

Next, activate the local package development environment

julia> ]
(v1.0) pkg> activate .
(JuliaPackageTemplate) pkg> 

From here we can test the package by simply typing in the test command:

(JuliaPackageTemplate) pkg> test

If the package depends on C/C++ source files, these first must be compiled before testing the package. In which case testing would involve two commands:

(JuliaPackageTemplate) pkg> build
(JuliaPackageTemplate) pkg> test

Setting Up Continuous Integration

To setup continuous integration for the package we will use Travis-CI. Travis is free to use for open source projects (Thank you Travis!), or for build of private repositories a subscription can be purchased.

To setup continuous integration your repository must contain a .travis.yml file AND continuous integration must be enabled for your repository on the TRAVIS CI webpage. This can be done either for your presonal repositories here:


or for your organizations' repositories here:


Note: If the project does not appear immediately, you may need to hit the "sync repositories" button to have it appear.

Setting Up Test Coverage

To set up test coverage, go to coveralls.io, login with your github account, and activate the project to add coverage reports.

Note: If the project does not appear immediately, you may need to hit the "sync repositories" button to have it appear.

Setting Up Documentation Deployment

If you have not done so, set up github pages by adding a pages repository to your github account by following the setup instructions or just add an empty repository named username.github.io or orgname.github.io to your personal or organization account. This repository can be private.

Documentation and documentation deployment is accomplished with the Julia packager Documenter.jl

To setup the automated deployment of documentation as part of the CI build process follow the Deploy Instructions.

This involves two steps:

  1. Adding a deploy key to the github deploy keys to allow travis CI to push to new pages to the repository.
  2. Adding an environment variable to your Travis CI build settings with the deployment keys.

Adding package to Julia Package Repository

To add a package to the Julia package repository it is currently easiest to use Registrator.jl