A template for textbooks in the same style as Algorithms for Optimization
- asyrovprog
- BUE687
- carlosal1015National University of Engineering
- EconometricsBySimulationFrancis Smart
- eemailme
- giordano@UCL-ARC
- jakeoungGachon University
- jhcloos
- johnnychen94East China Normal University
- kbatseliDelft University of Technology
- krcabrerUniversidad Nacional de Colombia
- locluong09New Mexico Tech
- MarkFontenotNortheastern University
- mohamed82008@PumasAI
- mykelkStanford University
- SimonABUniversity of Glasgow
- soraros
- stefanbringuierIndependent Researcher
- tawheelerWaymo
- termi-officialRuhr University Bochum
- therealdreep
- toposemiotic
- turner-engbahama
- vincent-picaudFrance - 78