sjotwani94's Stars
The Phrases List App allows you to Create, Read, Update & Delete a Phrase from a List of Phrases listed on the Dashboard. The full-stack application is developed using NestJS for Backend and Next.js for Frontend.
Purpose of this repository is to Demonstrate Change Detection And Dependency Injection in Angular
This Basic Web Application consists of a String Calculator developed using Test Driven Development. It is built using React.js with TypeScript and Tests are written using Jest.
The Web Application is built using React.js, Mantine UI and Zustand. It displays the data from SWAPI (The Star Wars API).
This is my project for the bootcamp on Basic Web Development with React.js organized by ShapeAI.
Work done by me for the course Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS from Coursera.
This repository includes the coursework done during Django For Everybody Specialization Courses from Coursera.
This System is made for the Institute of Technology, Nirma University’s employees’ reimbursements for the expenses made on behalf of the university. This system tries to make whole procedure of expense approval & reimbursement, digital for the faculties of university. All the documentations and permissions regarding expense approval will be done by higher authorities using this software. If permission is granted by higher authority, then expenses involving travelling and others will be reimbursed by Accounts Section to the respective faculty as per the department/section. This system is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP, with MariaDB (MySQL based) Relational Database.
A simple form for collecting and validating basic details from a user and sending a mail on the registered email. User can view all the submitted forms after successful submission of the form. Backend: Django, Frontend: AngularJS.
This system is built with Front-End developed in HTML with CSS, and Back-End developed in PHP with MySQL as Database. It has basic functionalities: Admin side having priviledges of managing Members and Books of libraries, and User side having priviledges of viewing available books and issuing them.
System for making voting process easy and efficient
Mobile Application having 3 modules: Admin (Responsible for management of details of faculties & students, courses and notices circulated), Faculty (Can update Students’ Marks & Attendance course wise, and can put up general notices) & Student (Can view the marks, attendance and notices put up by faculties). All 3 modules have the functionality of sending Text/Whatsapp message, Email, making a call within the registered users.
C++ Codes of Different Data Structures for Interview Preparation
Basic Calculator having functionalities of performing basic arithmetic operations.
This Product has visualizations of 3 data structures: Stack, Queue & Circular Queue
Android Application for storing information of a player like his/her name & last 5 innings' scores into a text file, and retreiving the same along with average and total score in another activity.
This is a Item sale Information App. It also display year wise Sales data.
Chat App with all functionality private chat, contacts, friends request, find friends,for profile settings image cropper functionality, settings, logout also send text, image and all type of files, delete your files for you and everyone , login with email and mobile number and real time database firebase and for notification purpose Node Js used.
This is a Ticket booking system application in android studio.
My first repository on GitHub.
Tic Tac Toe game with GUI in python using Tkinter and also a restart functionality and displays which player turn now.