
scannet dataset

jade2014 opened this issue · 5 comments

I use volumetric fusion get the TSDF result of ScanNet(0470_00), the voxel resolution is 3cm and truncation is 15cm(grid num(116,95,46)). The result is very worse, can you give some more detail about obtain TSDF of ScanNet datasets.
屏幕快照 2019-03-14 17 38 50

Hi, currently i'm a little busy with a conference deadline. I'll provide the code for it in 2-3 weeks. Thanks

how to get the dataset? i have written the registration,and after how long time can i get the dataset.

Hi, would you please talk more about how to process the scannet data and get the .vox file? Thanks

Hi, have you finished the corresponding code? Thanks a lot! @skanti

Hello, had you already received the download link or any script? I had filled the form for requesting dataset, but no response. Could you share me the download link? Just for research purpose. Thx!