- a81j
- adamstarlight
- andysalernoMicrosoft
- Art9681
- balsulami
- budhashSan Francisco Bay Area
- chrismark
- DanielShemeshIsrael
- fkdosilovicNewfire Global Partners
- goguson
- jadedgnome
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- josesimasGepsoft Lda
- konformal
- lalonde302
- lauesaBastian Mobile Robotics, Toyota Advanced Logistics
- LiliumSancta
- meetpsMountain View, CA
- melancholicwang
- MichelPaulissen
- moorehousewCircumference Technology Services
- NextTokenPrediction
- ntkrnl
- PatrickVGould
- scherii@Webgem + @codecrush-ch
- scrapr2
- simonerlicVictoria, BC
- skeskinenHelsinki, Finland
- SlachAltinity
- tarkanlarScotty
- ThilakDen
- tretomaszewskiUniversity of Illinois @ Urbana-Champagin
- vhxs@JHUAPL
- walkrr
- YourFriendlyNeighbour666