- 5
ffmpeg_quality_metrics.ffmpeg_quality_metrics.FfmpegQualityMetricsError: Your ffmpeg version does not have the filter 'libvmaf'
#62 opened by kanlions - 4
- 5
Unable to use CAMBI: error: unrecognized arguments: --vmaf-features cambi:full_ref=true
#60 opened by CKingX - 6
- 6
- 1
Errors when running with the commandline options
#58 opened by nav9 - 0
Fix CI pipeline
#54 opened by slhck - 0
Add frame selection
#57 opened by slhck - 2
File Location Question
#55 opened by bolognasammich - 7
Fills RAM completely and dies soon after it
#39 opened by Noxmiles - 1
Installation Issue
#53 opened by bolognasammich - 11
- 2
The example import has a syntax error
#51 opened by nav-avo - 8
Add new contributors
#47 opened by slhck - 8
VMAF Test Fails on Windows Machine
#42 opened by OrkunKocyigit - 2
- 2
Deprecate VMAF 1.x
#19 opened by slhck - 1
vif_avg is missing
#41 opened by huiyiygy - 4
Metrics for YUV
#38 opened by praneet195 - 5
[Windows/CMD] Colored prompts not working with ANSI-Escape Sequences in CMD-Shell
#21 opened by e-d-n-a - 2
no-reference methods
#37 opened by gitunit - 5
ffmpeg_quality_metrics.ffmpeg_quality_metrics.FfmpegQualityMetricsError: Your ffmpeg version does not have the filter 'libvmaf'
#36 opened by AdithyaRaman - 3
- 15
VMAF error on docker
#34 opened by supriyaarun27 - 0
Combine quality calculations into single function
#32 opened by slhck - 2
Add progress bar
#12 opened by slhck - 0
Explain usage of non-default built-in VMAF models
#30 opened by slhck - 0
Add a proper API
#29 opened by slhck - 3
Docker build fails
#17 opened by supriyaarun27 - 4
Add support for multithreading
#25 opened by Sorkanius - 6
[Windows] Still issues with ffmpeg-commands and file-paths in filter-graphs for me
#23 opened by e-d-n-a - 3
- 1
[Bug] Dry-run still tries to process results
#20 opened by e-d-n-a - 2
[brew install ffmpeg --with-libvmaf] Error
#18 opened by crazy1235 - 1
- 1
NameError: name 'print_stderr' is not defined
#15 opened by dpasqualin - 40
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType
#10 opened by CrypticSignal - 0
Calculate aggregate statistics
#13 opened by slhck - 1
Deterministic test cases?
#1 opened by slhck - 2
Attempts to run brew on arch linux.
#9 opened by nathanielcwm - 13
Adding new quality metrics
#8 opened by DonaldTsang - 5
- 2
- 0
Change Dockerfile
#4 opened by PolynomialDivision - 0