:vertical_traffic_light: Run Picard on BAM files and collate 90 metrics into one file.
- 1
¿ Can I use this with WGS?
#11 opened by Ofsm - 1
ERROR: Please install the 'stats' program
#10 opened by schmittel - 6
Problem with collate function
#9 opened by kitzcode - 2
Parallelize each sample
#8 opened by averm22 - 0
- 22
trouble running picardmetrics on cygwin
#6 opened by gk-bioin4m8x - 1
no les
#5 opened by sridhar0605 - 4
Does it work on single-end reads?
#4 opened by naikai - 2
Why full path?
#2 opened by ole-tange - 1
Bug report
#1 opened by JEFworks