Python script to generate parameters (arguments.txt) for each replicate of COVID simulations
One example of input parameters for the simulator
Our 5-mer model; Yaari's 5-mer model is kmerFreq_yaari.txt
Our evolution model
Our driver code defining the flu simulation
Binary compiled with command g++ -std=c++11 -O3 main.cpp -o simulator
Reconstruction tools and helper scripts we implemented
Shell scripts to run reconstruction methods
Reconstructed trees in raw format
dnapars: RAxML_MajorityRuleExtendedConsensusTree.dnapars_greedy
and RAxML_MajorityRuleConsensusTree.dnapars_consensus
raxml: RAxML_bestTree.raxml-with-root
igphyml: seq_with_root.fasta_igphyml_tree_igphyml.txt
gctree: gctree.nw
immunitree: immunitree.txt
mst: mst.result
Simulated and reconstructed trees in the following format:
[label_1 node_1]
[label_2 node_2]
[parent_1 child_1]
[parent_2 child_2]
Evaluation metrics and scripts to help formating trees to the format above
Figures in the paper along with scripts and data to reproduce those figures
See here.
Figures in the paper along with scripts and data to reproduce those figures
Full data files for Flu simulations are available at