Install required libraries:

# install shiny stuff
packages <- c('tidyverse' 'optparse', 'shiny', 'shinyjs', 'viridis', 'RColorBrewer',
'cowplot', 'patchwork', 'ggpubr')

# install Seurat

How to run on your local environment

We have included a script to easily test the shiny app locally on your computer in run-app-local.R. This script takes three arguments, the path to the script containing the user interface (ui), --ui, the path to the script containing the server, --server, and the port number allowing you to access the app on your web browser with a specific port --port. You can use -h help option to see the three options.

Here is an example:

Rscript --vanilla run-app-local.R \
    --ui /path/to/shinyapp/ui.R \
    --server /path/to/shinyapp/server.R \
    --seurat /path/to/shinyapp/data/seurat.rds \
    --port 2222

Then the app will launch and you can check it on your web browser at: