
How to use DirectX11 with D3DImage

ThusMad opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Hi @smourier ๐Ÿ‘‹
I'm using this sample
to create my own control that I'll be using to draw some 2d stuff.
Since the SharpDX is not supported for .Net 5.0+, I've rewritten the code in sample with DirectN.
The code I ended with here but I faced a error

System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

What I'm missing?
In what direction should I look?
Maybe there is a good sample?


Do you have a full reproducing sample (all files, project file, etc.) so it's easier for me to take a look?

Yes, here is a small project containing my code

This is not related to DirectN, the problem comes from how you use DirectX9's CreateTexture API.

As you can see from the doc here:, this is the method's layout:

HRESULT CreateTexture(
  [in]          UINT              Width,
  [in]          UINT              Height,
  [in]          UINT              Levels,
  [in]          DWORD             Usage,
  [in]          D3DFORMAT         Format,
  [in]          D3DPOOL           Pool,
  [out, retval] IDirect3DTexture9 **ppTexture,
  [in]          HANDLE            *pSharedHandle

so, pSharedHandle is a pointer to a HANDLE, not a HANDLE.

To fix it you must allocate some memory and write the shared handle to it, or use DirectN's ComMemory tool which will handle that for you:

using var handlePtr = new ComMemory(handle);
var hr = _d3DDevice.Object.CreateTexture(description.Width, description.Height, 1, Constants.D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET,
    format, _D3DPOOL.D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, out var texture, handlePtr.Pointer);

Oh, i see, now it works, thx a lot.