
A simple tool for evaluating a metagenomic assembly

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Assembly Evaluator

Evaluate the completedness and precision of a (meta)genomic assembly by mapping contigs to a complete reference genome.

Use this tool to evaluate an assembly when you know apriori that a reference genome is present. For example, if you "spiked-in" simulated reads, or if you are assembling an in-silico simulated metagenome.

This tool will map the contigs back to the reference genome and answer three questions:

  • (Completedness) What fraction of the reference is covered by mapped contigs?
  • (Precision/Chimericity) Of those mapped contigs, what fraction is aligned to the reference?
  • (Quality) How long are the mapped contigs? What is their N50?

Use cases:

  • Spike-in short-reads from a reference genome into a complex metagenome and assemble data into contigs. Use AssemblyEvaluator to evaluate the resulting contigs for precision and completedness
  • Other cases when assembling data where is a completed reference genome to map to
  • You can also use the tool to evaluate a set of genes identified from assembled contigs


  • Python >=2.6
  • BioPython


clone software: git clone https://github.com/snayfach/AssemblyEvaluator


evaluate_assembly.py [-h] --assembly FASTA --genome FASTA --out DIR
[--threads INT] [--chunk_size INT] [--pid FLOAT]
[--aln INT] [--word_size INT]

Evaluate a metagenomic assembly by mapping to a reference genome

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--assembly FASTA Path to input multi-FASTA file containing one or more contigs (default: None)
--genome FASTA Path to reference genome FASTA file (default: None)
--out DIR Output directory: /alignments.m8, /summary.txt (default: None)
--threads INT Threads to use for BLAST (default: 1)
--chunk_size INT Chunk size (in bp) for splitting up queries (default:1000)
--pid FLOAT Minimum percent identity mapping threshold (default: 99)
--aln INT Minimum alignment length mapping threshold (default: 200)
--word_size INT Word size for BLAST (default: 50)


  • evaluate assembled contigs versus a reference genome:
    src/evaluate_assembly.py --assembly example/assembled_contigs.fa --genome example/reference_genome.fa --out example

  • evaluate assembled genes versus a genes from a reference genome:
    src/evaluate_assembly.py --assembly example/assembled_genes.fa --genome example/reference_genes.fa --out example

Output files


genome.name: file name for reference genome
genome.count_contigs: number of sequences in reference genome
genome.length: total length of reference genome minus ambiguous bases (N)
genome.aln: number of bases in reference genome covered by assembly
genome.tpr: proportion of bases in reference genome covered by assembly

assembly.name: file name for metagenomic assembly
assembly.count_contigs: number of contigs in assembly
assembly.count_mapped: number of contigs in assembly that mapped to reference genome
assembly.total_length: length of assembly minus ambiguous bases (N)
assembly.mapped_length: length of mapped contigs minus ambiguous bases (N)
assembly.aln: total number of bp aligned to reference genome
assembly.n50: N50 of alignment lengths
assembly.ppv: proportion of bp aligned to reference genome for mapped contigs

The most important variables are genome.tpr, which indicates the fraction of reference genome/genes covered by the assembly, and assembly.ppv, which indicates the fraction of mapped contig length that is aligned to the genome/genes.

A low genome.tpr indicates that most of the reference genome/genes was not recovered by the assembly

A low assembly.ppv indicates that a significant proportion of assembled contigs that mapped to the reference were chimeric


Per-contig report


tabular outpur from HS-BLASTN