
Team Members

  1. Ankit(Lead)
  2. Ankit Das
  3. Karanbir Singh


During this covid 19 pandemic, maintaining a proper health became a necessity. For the same purpose we created Covimate band to monitor the various health parameters (like Spo2, BPM, and temperature) of the isolated covid 19 patients whose conditions seems to be normal initially but can become critical in later stages. Since the patient is isolated so the family members are not aware about the actual health of the patient and at this moment Covimate comes into role and acts as a life saviour by alerting the covid response team and family members so that they can provide the proper treatment at right time. Further Covimate can also be integrated with oxyflow meter for adjusting the flow of oxygen to provide the proper amount of oxygen required by the patient on oxygen support.

Hardware and Software requirements:

Programming language : C++ Software tools : Arduino IDE Libraries : Wire.h, Blynk.h, MAX30100_PulseOximeter.h, Wifi.h, WifiClient.h, BlynkSimpleEsp32.h Harware Components : ESP32/ESP8266MOD, MAX30100 Pule oximeter module, lithium polymer battery, 3d printed case