
This repository provides a plugin for the OpenPCDet object detection framework that facilitates fusion of 2D and 3D object detection.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Multimodal fusion driven scene understanding

This repository provides a plugin for the OpenPCDet object detection framework that facilitates fusion of 2D and 3D object detection.


  1. Please download, and install all the requirements of OpenPCDet
  2. Download folder named "fusion" into the root directory of OpenPCDet
  3. Structure should be the following
    |-- data/
    |-- docker/
    |-- docs/
    |-- pcdet/
    |-- fusion/
    |-- tools/
    |-- LICENCE
    |-- README.md
    |-- requirements.txt
    |-- setup.py


  1. Non reported
  2. Successfully tested with commit b345b08c5d3e49ff82a5374d033ddd2b5e66253e [2022-09-25]


Extra requirements for cropping pdf report in evalution script:

sudo apt-get install texlive-extra-utils


Configuration file:


  "multimodalv2": {
    "root": "/home/<HOME_DIR>/Workspace/Automotive/OpenPCDet/",
    "path_to_data": "data/kitti/training/",
    "path_to_calibration_for_tracking": "calib.txt",
    "path_to_groundtruth_for_tracking": "groundtruth.txt",
    "path_to_image": "image_2/",
    "path_to_image_right": "image_3/",
    "path_to_lidar": "velodyne/",
    "path_to_labels": "label_2/",
    "deeplab_root": "",
    "save_path_root": "fusion/results/dump/",
    "save_path_came": "fusion/results/dump/image/",
    "save_path_image_from_lidar": "fusion/results/dump/image_lidar/",
    "save_path_meta_data": "fusion/results/dump/meta_data/",
    "save_path_lidar": "fusion/results/dump/lidar/",
    "cut_off_percentage": 0.8,
    "cut_off_2D": 0.8,
    "nms_fusion_threshold": 0.5,
    "segmentation_model": "",
    "image_detection_model": "fusion/imagedet/models/squeezedet_kitti_epoch280.pth",
    "lidar_detection_cfg": "fusion/cfgs/kitti_models/pv_rcnn.yaml",
    "lidar_detection_model": "fusion/trained/pv_rcnn_8369.pth",
    "start_frame": 0,
    "denoise": 0,
    "meta_data": 0
  "comment": {


Run fusion:

cd fusion

python runFusion.py

Evaluate fusion outcomes,

The script compares fusion with image-only and LIDAR-only detection:

cd fusion

python runEvaluate.py
