
Snowfox = HAL + IO + COMSTACK + CI + C++

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Snowfox = HAL + IO + COMSTACK + CI + C++

This project is retired due to increasingly better vendor provided HALs and middleware.

GPLv3 License Build Status Code Coverage Codacy Badge MCU Architectures: AVR, RISCV

What ?

Snowfox consists of a Hardware Abstraction Layer + IO driver support for various sensors, actuators and communication controllers + industrial communication stacks written mostly in C++. The codebase can be simultaneously compiled for both host and desired target platform which enables the user to run and verify the complete firmware within the host pc without the need for target hardware. Furthermore unit tests are run and code quality metrics are gathered automatically upon commit in order to ensure code quality and functionality.

Why #1?

The application of OO principles such as SOLID leads to a clean code base and minimizes coupling between modules. This enables the application of Test Driven Development which gives developers instantenous feedback on their code therefore eliminating tedious integration and bug fixing sessions typical for Debug-Later-Programming.

Why #2?

In his book "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code" Martin Fowler frankly states that “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” This project aims to do just that for the embedded domain. You are kindly invited to browse the code and form your own opinion about how well the code is adhering to our claim.

Hardware Abstraction Layers


AT90CAN32 avr at90can32
AT90CAN64 ... at90can64
AT90CAN128 ... at90can128 Olimex AVR-CAN, AL-ERAM128 V2.0
ATMega640 ... atmega640
ATMega1280 ... atmega1280
ATMega2560 ... atmega2560 Arduino Mega, Controllino Mega, Controllino Maxi
ATMega164P ... atmega164p
ATMega324P ... atmega324p
ATMega644P ... atmega644p
ATMega1284P ... atmega1284p Moteino Mega USB
ATMega328P ... atmega328p Arduino Uno, Controllino Mini
ATMega16U4 ... atmega16u4
ATMega32U4 ... atmega32u4 Arduino Leonardo
ATMega3209 ... atmega3209
ATMega4809 ... atmega4809 Arduino Uno WiFi Rev.2

SiFive (RISC-V)

FE310 riscv64 fe310 HiFive 1 Rev. B

Host (Test Build)

Host (Test Build) host host

I/O Device Drivers

/driver/can Examples

/driver/glcd Examples

  • RA6963 (GLCD Controller)

/driver/haptic Examples

  • DRV2605L (Haptic Driver for LRA and ERM)

/driver/ioexpander Examples

  • MAX6921 (20-Output VFD tube driver)
  • MCP23017 (16-Bit I/O Expander)
  • PCA9547 (8-channel I2C-Bus multiplexer)

/driver/lora Examples

/driver/memory Examples

  • AT45DBx (SPI NAND Flash)
  • N25Q256A (SPI NOR Flash) (Digilent Pmod SF3)
  • PCF8570 (256 × 8-Bit Static Low-Voltage RAM)

/driver/sensor Examples

  • AD7151 (1-channel capacitance converter for proximity sensing)
  • AS5600 (12-Bit programmable contactless potentiometer)
  • BMG160 (3-axis digital output MEMS gyroscope)
  • INA220 (Low- or high-side, bidirectional, I2C current monitor)
  • L3GD20 (3-axis digital output MEMS gyroscope)
  • LIS2DSH (3-axis digital output MEMS accelerometer)
  • LIS3DSH (3-axis digital output MEMS accelerometer)
  • LIS3MDL (3-axis digital output MEMS magnetometer)

/driver/serial Examples

  • UART (Serial UART Driver)

/driver/stepper Examples


  • HD44780 (Dot Matrix LCD Controller/Driver)

Communication Stacks

  • CANOpen ( Work in progress ... )

Getting started

Install toolchain

  • ALL
sudo apt-get install cmake
  • AVR
sudo apt-get install avr-libc binutils-avr gcc-avr avrdude

Tip: Get the latest version of avr-gcc by cross compiling from source or download a pre-compiled toolchain.

  • RISCV64 (SiFive)
cd /opt
sudo wget https://static.dev.sifive.com/dev-tools/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.2.0-2019.02.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14.tar.gz
sudo tar -xzvf riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.2.0-2019.02.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.2.0-2019.02.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin

Clone repository

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/snowfox-project/snowfox.git
cd snowfox

Build Example

.ci/script/run-build-example.sh examples/hal/ATMEGA328P/hal-atmega328p-digital-out-pin


Snowfox is open source and licensed under version 3 of the GNU GPL. Snowfox is free under this license and can be freely used and distributed under its terms.

The freedom that this GNU GPL license offers, comes with responsibilities and side effects that are not always desirable. This is especially the case if you want to integrate Snowfox in your closed source product and/or don’t want your customers to know that your product contains Snowfox.

As an alternative, Snowfox can be made available under a commercial license. Under the commercial license, Snowfox does not contain any references to the GNU GPL. Refer to the following license comparison matrix to determine the Snowfox license your product requires.

Question GNU GPL version 3 Commercial License
Is Snowfox free? yes no
Do I have the right to change the Snowfox source code? yes yes
Can I use Snowfox in my closed source product? no yes
Do I have to open my source code? yes no
Do I have to open source my changes to Snowfox? yes no
Do I have to offer the Snowfox source code to users of my product? yes no
Do I have to document that my product uses Snowfox? yes no
Can I redistribute Snowfox in source code format? yes no
Can I receive professional technical support on a commercial basis? no yes

For purchasing a commercial license, requesting a quote tailored for you or simply if you need additional information contact us at consulting@lxrobotics.com.