To install modified Clomial package
In R:
install.packages("matrixStats", lib="~/R/libs")
install.packages("permute", lib="~/R/libs", repos='')
In console:
- R CMD INSTALL -l ~/R/libs/ Clomial_meta
To run Clomial pipeline
Create an empty directory in "experiments".
Copy your reference file to directory "refs" and run "bwa index" on it.
Copy "Snakefile_Clomial" to your directory and rename it to "Snakefile".
Change settings in first lines of your Snakefile.
Run "snakemake --cores (number_of_threads)".
Do not forget to clear GitHub repository from gigabytes of data.
To run PhyloWGS pipeline
Same as Clomial pipeline, but for "Snakefile_PhyloWGS"