
RnB: Intelligent Replication & Batching for Pipelined NN Inference on GPUs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Replicate & Batch (RnB) Test Benchmark

RnB aims to optimize DNN inference on video analytics models with multiple steps in multi-GPU environments. Steps include video frame extraction, feature extraction, main neural network execution and other potential computations that are necessary for processing videos.
Meanwhile, we also provide a manual test benchmark for running video inference jobs in any valid setting with regard to the number of GPUs, the number of replicas per step, etc. The test benchmark can be used to run not only the optimal configuration generated by RnB but other settings as well for comparison purposes. Thus this test benchmark serves as the testing ground for experiment with various configurations in the hope of achieving lower latency and higher throughput.

Benchmark Test Pipeline Image

The figure above shows the end-to-end pipeline of the test benchmark. As you can see from the figure above, there exist two kinds of processes in total: client and runner. The number of processes for each step can vary, and the analysis on the tests with different number of processes, batches, replications and GPUs will be explored to find the ultimate optimal configuration.

In order to concurrently execute multiple processes at the same time, input and output queues exist and let items pass across processes. You can either make global queues or local queues per GPU by configuring -p option in benchmark.py.

  • filename_queue: This queue will pass each path of videos from client process to runner process.
  • frame_queue: This queue will pass a batched tensor of a single video between runner processes.

Files Description

Descriptions on files are given to introduce you how this test benchmark performs.

  • benchmark.py This file serves as the main process that spawns all other processes. We aim to find optimal configuration for video analytics tasks by testing out combinations of different parameters.
    The following arguments can be adjusted to try different settings.

    • -mi or --mean_interval_ms Indicates how often you expect Client to generate inference requests in milliseconds. This given interval abides by the Poisson distribution, meaning we will assume the work of putting video filename in the filename_queue occurs independently and happens every indicated interval time.
    • -b or --batch_size Indicates how many videos you would like to process in a batch. The default batch size is set to 1, meaning only one video will be run on a neural network.
    • -v or --videos Indicates how many videos you would like to test. The default is set to 2K videos.
    • -qs or --queue_size Indicates the maximum queue size of two queues mentioned above: filename_queue, frame_queue. The default is set to 500. If enqueue occurs to a queue that is full, the benchmark will abort the job assuming the current step placement cannot handle the input stream.
    • -c or --config_file_path Indicates the file path of the pipeline configuration file.
    • -p or --per_gpu_queue Indicates whether to place intermediate queues on each GPU
  • client.py This file first prepares a list of video filepaths. If the length of the list is smaller than the number of videos you have given for -v, the list will be repeated sufficient number of times until the number of videos that will be tested matches with the given parameter. After the list of filepaths is ready, one filepath will be sent to the filename_queue in every interval sampled from Poisson distribution, where the mean interval is given as the argument for -mi.

  • runner.py This file is used to run partitioned model and we use CUDA stream to avoid synchronizing with other processes.

How NVVL works in RnB

Knowing how NVVL is used and what information is coming in as an input or coming out as an output in what form will help you understand the test benchmark better. The following description aims to provide general idea on how NVVL is used in this system, especially for the R(2+1)D model. Please be advised some files mentioned in this section are not from this current repository, but from the forked NVVL repository.

Let's look into some lines and the loader in r2p1d_loader.py file.

# ./r2p1d_loader.py

loader = nvvl.RnBLoader(width=112, height=112,         .......... (0)
                        consecutive_frames=8, device_id=g_idx,

while True:
  tpl = filename_queue.get()
  filename, time_enqueue_filename = tpl 
  loader.loadfile(filename)                            .......... (1) 
  for frames in loader:

  frame_queue.put((frames,                             .......... (9)  
                   ... )) 

Before moving onto some methods implemented inside RnBLoader in rnb_loader.py, we can see that the loader first creates an RnBLoader object (0). tpl dequeued from the filename_queue gives a full path to a video and save the path under the variable filename.

# Note that this file is from "https://github.com/jsjason/nvvl/"
# https://github.com/jsjason/nvvl/blob/master/pytorch/nvvl/rnb_loader.py

from .rnb_dataset import RnBDataset 

class RnBLoader(object):
  def __init__ ( ... ):
    self.dataset = RnBDataset (...)
    self.tensor_queue = collections.dequeue() 
    self.batch_size_queue = collections.dequeue()

  def _receive_batch(self):                             .......... (7)  
    batch_size = self.batch_size_queue.popleft()
    t = self.dataset._create_tensor_map(batch_size)
    labels = []
    for i in range(batch_size):
      _, label = self.dataset._start_receive(t, i)

    self.tensor_queue.append((batch_size, t, labels))   .......... (8)  
  def loadfile(self, filename):                         .......... (2)
    length = self.dataset.get_length(filename)
    frame_indices = self.sampler.sample(length)         .......... (3)
    self.dataset._read_file(filename, frame_indices)    .......... (4)
    self.batch_size_queue.append(len(frame_indices))    .......... (5) 
  def __next__(self):
    if self.batch_size_queue:                           .......... (6) 
      self._receive_batch()                             .......... (6')  

    batch_size, t, labels = self.tensor_queue.popleft()
    for i in range(batch_size):

    return t['input'] 

When the method loadfile(2) is called with filename as parameter in r2p1d_loader.py (1), it reads indices of sampled sequences (frame_indices) (3) and starts reading frames one by one. NVVL internally processes frames of a video which filename is given with the sampled indices, and holds on to the processed tensors until requested again by the loader (4). The number of indices in total is appended to the batch_size_queue (5). When the loader iterates, it checks whether there is an item inside batch_size_queue (6). If there is, meaning there has at least been one file that called loadfile method, the method _receive_batch will be called next (6'). This method (7) will append a tuple to tensor_queue which contains information about batch size, one batched tensor map and labels of each batched frame (8). Here we can see that features of frames extracted from a video are now merged into one tensor map, and that one mapped tensor will be returned and be put into the frame_queue every iteration of the loader (9).

How to Run

External Dependencies

The test benchmark depends on the following:

  • NVVL: NVVL (NVIDIA Video Loader) is a library which loads tensors of sampled frames of video files straight on GPUs to accelerate and facilitate machine learning tasks with video. Since the forked repository has a customized implementation of loader and dataset classes for RnB, we will be using the forked one instead of the official one distributed by NVIDIA.
  • ffmpeg 4.0
  • OpenCV 3.4.2
  • PyTorch 0.4.1

The external dependencies above can be easily installed in a virtual environment by following the instructions below.

Setting up the environment

You can use spec-file.txt to create your own conda environment for testing the code. If you already have such an environment, then you can ignore this file and the installation process below.

$ conda create -n <env_name> --file spec-file.txt # install ffmpeg 4.0, OpenCV 3.4.2, PyTorch 0.4.1, and other dependencies
$ source activate <env_name>
$ cd ~
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/<username>/miniconda2/envs/<env_name>/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH # change accordingly, should include the file libavformat.pc
$ git clone https://github.com/jsjason/nvvl
$ cd nvvl/pytorch
$ python setup.py install # install nvvl

$ cd ~/rnb # or any directory that doesn't have a subdirectory called 'nvvl'
$ python -c 'from nvvl import RnBLoader' # should finish without any errors

$ pip install py3nvml # install Py3 bindings for NVML (unavailable for Anaconda)

Reference Model

This repository contains the codes and models from the paper:

A Closer Look at Spatiotemporal Convolutions for Action Recognition, Du Tran, Heng Wang, Lorenzo Torresani, Jamie Ray, Yann LeCun, Manohar Paluri, CVPR, 2018.

The authors officially call this model R(2+1)D for short, but we will use r2p1d without both parentheses and capital letters in the codes & filenames when referring to this model for convenience. The model is already imported under the directory named models for your ease.

Trained Model Checkpoint Preparation

We use checkpoint of trained model. The checkpoint is stored at cmsdata/ssd0/cmslab/Kinetics-400/ckpt/model_data.pth.tar, and is already hardcoded in models/r2p1d/model.py under ckpt. We will later give a public link for downloading the checkpoint.

Descriptions on files related to the model are given below:

  • models/r2p1d/model.py This file runs the model either in a single step, or in several steps using partitioned model depending on the configuration.

  • models/r2p1d/module.py This file does factored R2Plus1D convolution.

Data Preparation

The data used for this test benchmark is Kinetics-400. The data is stored under /cmsdata/ssd0/cmslab/Kinetics-400/sparta, and this full directory is already given in client.py under a variable named root.

Since we have data and the models ready, it's time to test in an end-to-end manner.

Designate GPUs that you would like to utilize. Then run benchmark.py with proper arguments.

$ export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # or any combination you wish from [0,1,2,3,4,5]
$ python benchmark.py -c config/r2p1d-whole.json -v 500 -mi 90

When the upper-mentioned commands are run, the following messages will be printed and logs will be saved.

Args: Namespace(batch_size=1, config_file_path='config/r2p1d-whole.json', mean_interval_ms=90, per_gpu_queue=False, queue_size=500, videos=500)
START! 1561964947.928291
Finished processing 500 videos
FINISH! 1561964992.177985
That took 44.249694 seconds
Waiting for child processes to return...
Average time between enqueue_filename and runner0_start: 1.557826 ms
Average time between runner0_start and inference0_start: 0.005217 ms
Average time between inference0_start and inference0_finish: 13.254091 ms
Average time between inference0_finish and runner1_start: 1311.518943 ms
Average time between runner1_start and inference1_start: 0.005107 ms
Average time between inference1_start and inference1_finish: 85.233334 ms

$ ls logs

$ ls logs/190701_022549-mi90-b1-v500-qs500-p0/
g0-r0.txt  log-meta.txt  r2p1d-whole.json

Testing CUPTI

The NVIDIA CUDA Profiling Tools Interface (CUPTI) allows us to collect GPU hardware-specific metrics for profiling a CUDA application. We are currently experimenting with CUPTI to track the achieved occupancy of a GPU. Unfortunately, CUPTI is provided in CUDA C/C++ so we made custom Python bindings to access CUPTI features within a Python program. Follow the steps below to build the Python-C++ bridge and test it.

# compiles utils/cupti.cpp to generate utils/cupti.so
$ ./build_cupti.sh

# let the linker know of CUPTI libraries
# this step can be skipped if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is already set correctly
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/extras/CUPTI/lib64

# fetch and print GPU kernel names using CUPTI
$ python test_cupti.py